Chapter 11 it's all in my head,

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" I love that y'all are together now." it was the words coming out of malter's mouth when she was talking to lee on the phone, not knowing that her two friends  are in a bad situation especially lee because he is the one who got rejected.

Lee stayed silent for that moment, malter were surprised and asked " lee,lee,lee…. are you there?"
Lee replied "Mmm yeah.., I want to tell you something.  what do you want to tell me?"
it's nothing serious, promise me that you are not going to be mad at angela."

Malter said" what is it , you are worrying me right now."  I just want you to be good to her and not be mad at her." said lee.   so tell me now, said malter while she was talking loud on the phone. Lee said" calm down, I'm telling you this because I trust and I don't want to keep it a secret from you."

"What is it? you are worrying me come on and tell me mr.handsome" said malter while she was being nice.   " we breakup "  Malter, shocked , said " you, you, you and who?"  lee said " me and Angela, we are breaking up, but don't be mad at her."  why,why,why did y'all break up though?" malter asking while she was so surprised she didn't know what to say.

"I think it was stuck in my head, and I didn't want to keep it a secret from you so , yeah." Malter was still surprised , so she said" so that's why y'all have been acting weird and awkward around each other."

come on, would she do that to my best friend" said malter.   Lee reminds her that" remember you are her best friend too so try to act like there is nothing that ever happened between me and Angela, I think she was right we both have to focus on school anyway."

Malter said " mmm ok, if you say so .

The next day angela wanted to call lee, but when she remembered everything that happened on that night and the way lee was very sad,mad, and angry ,so she decided to not calling lee at that time she wanted to make sure that everything was alright in her head

because the things she was telling lee at that night was still in her head and it was hurting her so bad, but she had no choice but to not call lee at that time, so she decided to call lee at 8pm ,because it was in the night and nobody were with her

she wanted them to not be weird when they see each other, she wanted to make sure everything was alright with both of her friends

they both talked on the phone as friends and everything was alright tomorrow morning the friends decided to go the park after that fight between lee and angela, so malter wanted to have fun on that summer she sees lee coming she said" hello bestie" lee replied" hi best friend, how is everything going."

Malter replied him" everything is fine, how about you?"  Lee said, "You know my situation, so why are you asking me that question and why did you even bring angela here today."  Malter replied"  i know, know, i know and i am so sorry but there is this quote that inspired me so much it says.

" If you want the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain."  you have to love her no mater what, i know she loves you back she might been going through hard time so   i want y'all to be friends again like you were before i know that i did wrong to bring you two here today"

Lee replied '' I understand you, you want me to love her because she still focus on her education is she finally done we'll be together , so where is angela right now"  malter said" she hasn't arrive yet.'Angela apear and said" i'm here guys don't worry." Malter asked when did you come here.   Lee teased her" you silly noodle, I miss you,since when did you get here."

malter shocked" huh are you….. guys together?

lee said" i mean i miss her as friends as it is" so they hug each other both three of them it was a big group hug which was amazing

angela said" everything just stuck in my head i didn't eat yesterday because of thinking the way i treated you on that night i'm so sorry i wasn't able to be there the way you wanted, i'm sorting through my own issues i'll share when i figure a few things out, but we are best friends as we were and we will always be."

Lee replied to her '' yes you don't have to worry because you see this boy here is always here for you, the friends laugh together. Did Lee understand what Angela was trying to say? yes of course he did.  Did Angela know that Malter had already told Lee everything about her mom not wanting her to have boyfriends? Nope.

Malter said, "Who's ready for pizza?"   Everyone was very excited to hear that malter brought a pizza along. which was incredible amazing

The next day Lee was in his room thinking about how he told angela about his feelings but she turned him down, while he was thinking his brother walked in his room.

his brother asked" what is wrong you haven't come out of your room today, what is going on."
Lee replied" nothing is just that i can't stop thinking about her."  his brother said" ooh it is about angela don't worry brother,if she really love you she will come around "

Lee said" ok i'll just be here for her whenever she needs me." which was incredible that the boy really loved the girl but they both had to focus on their education and become successful in their life.

His brother said" I know deep down y'all still love each other ,so i advise you not to give up on her true love never dies."

It was The  wisdom word coming out of lee's brother’s mouth, which incourage lee to not give up on angela no matter what and give him hope that their's a chance.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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