Chapter 5 New friendships,

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After Angela thinking and overthinking and dreaming the whole night about Lee, she went to school tired. Was she really tired of thinking about lee? Not sure. so when Angela was at her school , her teacher name ancile introduced the new student, angela looked into her eyes,body, top to bottom.

She was surprised and amazed by the new student's beauty so she said " aww beautiful" . She was so excited and happy to see the new students because she was cute,beautiful,incredible, and amazing.

Was she prettier than angela? We don't think so. Little did Angela know that the new student was Lee's friend and she was rich and perfect but she didn't know it at first. until she met her.

she said" hi " the girl said hi back" angela ask her" what is your name?'" and the girl said" my name is Malter, what is yours?" Angela said " my name is Angela but you can call me angee" malter lough and said" aww so cute, your name is so beautiful" Angela didn't know that malter is lee's childhood friend,did she know? Nope. Did she care? Nope They both don't know each other well.

after greeting and knowing each other's names, they become friend very, very, good friends.

until lee decide to make them meet again because he wanted to make the girl that he like meet his friends, without knowing that they already met each and know each other better than he think. he calls Angela on his phone and said" hi beautiful" he's saying as if she is his girlfriend but she's not. Is she his girlfriend? Nope. Did he care? Nope. Did Angela love that the boy that she liked called her beautiful?Yes,definitely.

Angela with all the awkward situations she finally said hi back and then she said" how are you prince charming" lee said" i want you to meet my friend she is nice."Angela ask" is she really nice? " because I don't want to have problems with people.

if she is mean just tell me." Was she being overly dramatic? Yes,indeed she was . Lee said, "Nah, she is very respectful and she has good manners, I hope you guys will become best friends." Angela lough and said "I hope too. they talk for some hours

After the call ended Angela screamed without knowing that her mom was sleeping, she said" what am i going to wear, all my clothes are not good they are dirty." Was she being overly dramatic? yes indeed she was. she started checking her clothes out , she said " is this one good.'' She was talking to herself.

Lee told her that they will meet tomorrow, but surprisingly she started checking her clothes at that time of the night, she really wanted to impress Lee and his new friend without knowing that she already met her.

After putting on some makeup and getting dressed, she goes to her mom's room to check if it really looks good on her.

little did she know that she's beautiful without makeup, she said "hello mom, mom ,mom wake up mom," she woke her mom wake up and said' mom do i look good?" your mom is sleeping you dumb angela i wish i was there but sadly i wasn't there , did she care about her mom sleep? Nope.

her mom woke up at that time of the night and said" what is it angela." Angela said again" mom do i look good?"

her mom laughed and asked her "Angela are you going somewhere." Angela answered her mom who was just coming from her sleep, "Yes, yes mom, a friend of mine invited me for her birthday party tomorrow so I'm checking this clothes out."She lied, didn't she? Of course she did. Was she dramatic? yes definitely.

her mom decide to give her advice and the observation about her, that change her mind and put her on the bed, her mom tell her that"angela honey you are beautiful, even without makeup, you shouldn't change yourself so somebody could like you, just be you because you are an amazing, you are the most encouraging teenager i know,

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