Is it hate or love- Jenna Ortega

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Word count: 1883

As you danced with Emma the loud music drowned out the conversations around you. It was Emma's birthday and she had invited a lot of people to your guy's apartment, there was dancing and drinking and a lot of dumb decisions being made.

"You having fun?" Emma asked as the two of you danced, the heat of the room causing some disorientation.

"You bet," you smiled, looking back at her. As the two of you spun around the room, someone caught your eye, causing you to immediately stop and take a closer look.


"Emma, is that who I think it is?" You asked, your previous joy being quickly replaced by a tone of anger. She followed your line of sight until her eyes fell on the small girl, a look of guilt on her face.

"Oh, uhm, yeah." She said innocently, grabbing some punch from the table next to you guys and extending her arm to hand you a cup. You looked the small brunette girl up and down, and she must have felt your gaze on her because she turned, making eye contact with you at once. Her face distorted from one of contentment to pure hatred.

"Why is she here?" You asked, grabbing the punch from Emma's hand and taking a sip. The girl in front of you cowered a bit at your words, so you softened your tone, knowing it wasnt her fault. "I just didnt expect to see her." You said, giving emma a small reassuring smile.

"Oh well she was in the cast group chat," she said, sipping her drink to avoid having to look you in the eyes. "I sent the invite and then realised she would see it. But I couldnt just un invite her." It was true, it would have been wrong for Emma to un invite Jenna just because you didnt like her. But it still didnt mean you were happy about her being there.

"Okay, well I might go to my room in a few," you said reluctantly, hoping that Emma wouldn't be mad at you, or even sad that you wanted to leave. She opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by none other than Jenna.

"Hey Em!" She smiled, walking over to the two of you and completely ignoring your existence. She hugged the other girl and continued to speak. "I just wanted to come over and say happy birthday, and that I'm glad you invited me." As the small brunette girl spoke you chugged the rest of your punch, the alcohol burning your throat as it went down. You were really never one to drink alcohol, but tonight just might be the night. Without another glance in their direction you scoffed and walked away, knowing that Jenna would just try to piss you off if you had stayed over there. As you were heading toward the hallway, you ran into someone, toppling the two of you over.

"Oh god I'm so sorry," you muttered, standing up and trying to pull her with you. You had never seen this girl before, but she was really pretty. "I wasnt looking where I was going." The girl smiled at you, she was actually very beautiful, she started to speak, but just like earlier with Emma, Jenna cut her off.

"Clearly," she scoffed, looking right at you as she swirled her cup of punch, "you're always so clumsy y/n." She hissed, a condescending smile on her face. You looked at her with a sharp glare, the poor girl who you had knocked over was just standing there, watching the entire conversation.

"Well hello to you too Jen," you smiled, knowing she hated the nickname you gave her. Her cocky smile turned into a frown as you said those words, a barely noticeable blush forming on her cheeks. "If you will excuse me, I'm gonna get more to drink." You scoffed, pushing past her and heading toward the table. As soon as you got there you grabbed another cup and filled it with whatever alcohol was sitting on the table.

"Oh, you didnt leave! Yay!" You heard from behind you, turning to see Emma skipping closer. You smiled at her, forgetting that you were planning on leaving just a few minutes ago, but at this point, you might as well stay.

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