Leftover Love: part 3- Tara Carpenter

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Word count: 1821

It had been almost a month after Quinn moved in that Ghostface resurfaced. With everything going on, the only thing you wanted to do was protect Tara, so you had taken time off of work and school to stay at her apartment with Sam and Quinn.

"Hey guys, I'm back!" You yelled as you walked inside, everyone was in the kitchen except Anika, so you decided to sit down on the couch with her. "Whatcha watching?" You asked as you sat next to her, looking over at the tv.

"Eh, nothing really." She replied as she flicked through the channels, everything was either too boring to watch, or almost over. As she flipped through some more, everyone in the kitchen began yelling, but from what you could tell it was happy.

"Who all is here?" You asked as you grabbed a blanket from off the back of the couch. You heard Chad yell something about  'core four' and then their chattering quieted down.

"Uhm, everyone but Ethan, he has Econ." She smiled, finally landing on a channel playing some reality TV show, placing the remote on the side table. "And Quinn has some new dude in her room." You just laughed as Anika said that, her monotone expression adding some humor.

You heard some more laughing from the kitchen, but then it was quickly replaced by an uncomfortable silence, everyone running into the living room shortly after. Before you could ask what was going on, Quinn's door flung open, her bloody lifeless body tumbling onto Anika.

You didn't even stop to think, you just grabbed Tara's hand in yours and ran toward the front door, assuming everyone else was behind you. As you raced down a few flights of stairs, she tugged on your hand, forcing you to stop.

"They are still up there!" She cried, and that was when you realized it was just you, her, and Chad on the stairs. You knew she would do anything to make sure Sam was okay, but you weren't about to let her get herself killed.

"Take care of her, okay?" You asked Chad as you let go of Tara's hand. He just nodded and stepped aside, clearing a path for you to go back up. You saw as realization hit your girlfriend, and you were thankful that Chad was there to hold her back.

"Wait, y/n, no!" She screamed as you ran back up the stairs. You could hear the pain in her voice grow the farther away from her you got. And even though you knew she didn't want to lose you, you could let her lose her sister.

As you ran back into the apartment you saw furniture toppled over, Quinn's body still on the floor, blood everywhere. You looked around for the other three girls but couldn't find them. That was until you heard screaming coming from Quinn's bedroom.

Your head turned on a swivel, and that is when you saw it, the door connecting her room to the bathroom was being ferociously kicked by the masked killer, the girls trying desperately to hold it shut. 

You didn't think and just ran forward, grabbing him by the shoulders and pulling, sending him tumbling to the ground. You then quickly kicked the knife away from him, sending him scrambling on the slippery blood covered floor.

"Guys, it's me, let me in, quick!" You yelled as you pushed against the door, it giving way as soon as they heard your voice. As you tumbled in the room you quickly slammed your back against the door, giving Mindy the chance to lock the deadbolt.

"Why the fuck did you come back?" Sam hissed as she began moving Quinn's dresser, the pounding on the door resuming even harder than before. "Do you have a death wish?"

"Just shut up and let me help." You spat as you grabbed the other side of the furniture, pulling it in front of you before quickly moving so it could block the door. You then suddenly heard a man yelling, calling for Sam.

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