First date- Harley Diaz

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Word count: 925

*Just a short and sweet story to keep y'all entertained. I should be able to write more very very soon!! Thank you for your patience!*

As you sat at a table in the restaurant, you're nervousness grew. You had asked the girl you had a crush on on a date, and for some reason, she accepted. So now, all that was left to do was wait until she showed up.

But then your phone buzzed.

Lyla: Hey, how's it going??

Lyla had been your best friend since you were both 5 years old, and she had known about your crush on Harley before you even knew.

She had always been able to tell you your own feelings, and it was ultimately her who had convinced you to ask Harley out in the first place.

You: She isn't here yet, but I'm super nervous man.

Lyla: Well I have an idea....

You: And what idea is that??

Lyla: After dinner take her for a walk around the park, it will add the perfect amount of romance but not enough to freak her out.

You: Are you sure?? I feel like that's a bit fast...

Lyla: please y/n, just trust me.

Before you had a chance to respond, Harley walked up to the table, your heart beating out of your chest as soon as you saw her.

She was wearing a gorgeous green dress that had some floral embroidery on it, making her look even more gorgeous than you knew possible.

"Hey," you smiled, standing up and pulling a chair out for her as she sat down.

"Hi," she replied, a small blush on her cheeks as you sat back down. You were nervous as hell and unsure of how to even speak to her, but you knew you wanted this to work.

"What can I get you ladies to drink?" The waiter asked, helping to break the awkward silence before either of you had to.

"I'll take a coke and uhh," you began, turning to Harley.

"Oh uhm, I'll do the same." She smiled. The waiter just nodded and walked away silently, leaving the two of you alone, the awkwardness returning. 

"You uhm, you look really pretty." You said, watching as her blush grew even deeper and the smile on her face grew.

"Gosh, thank you. I spent like an hour and a half getting ready while I watched TV." She replied, fumbling with her fingers as she looked down at the table. You knew she felt awkward so you wanted to do anything you could to make her feel comfortable.

"Ooh, what were you watching?" You asked enthusiastically, hoping that if you found a common interest the awkwardness would go down. 

"Just some true crime show," She smiled, her shoulders relaxing as she began to get more comfortable. "It was this whole two-hour special about serial killers, I wasn't able to see the end before I came over here."

"Wait I need to watch this, it sounds sick." You laughed, your drinks being dropped off at the table before the conversation could continue.

"Are you all ready to order?" The waiter asked, pulling you out of your flustered state. 

"I will have the pretzel bites," Harley said quickly, her excitement showing as her nervous shell began to fall away.

"Me too." You said quickly, the waiter disappearing almost as quickly as he had shown up. "So where were we? Serial killers?"

"Well, when you put it that way we sound crazy."

***time skip***

The rest of the dinner went great, both of you talking and laughing about all of the true crime shows you have watched, both of you being effortlessly comfortable with one another. The only thing that interrupted you was when the bill came.

"You ready to head out?" You smiled as you finished paying, watching how she admired everything you did. It had been the best date you had ever had, and you were sure you wanted another one.

"Yeah, just so sad it has to end." She replied, standing up and grabbing her things as you did the same. And that's when you remembered what Lyla suggested.

"Well... maybe it doesn't have to." You smiled, taking her arm as you watched the smirk on her face grow. "Wanna go on a walk around the lake?"

"Oh, you know I do." She replied quickly. So the two of you hopped in your car and took the short drive to the lake, the sun beginning to set at the perfect time.

Only three or four minutes into the walk the two of you stopped on a small footbridge, your heart was racing as you looked at the girl beside you.

You began crushing on her at the beginning of the school year when the two of you got seated next to each other in English. You began talking and after that you never stopped, becoming more and more nervous around her every day.

"You know," She smiled as she stared out toward the lake, her brown hair falling over her shoulders as the sunset shone in her eyes, "I really enjoyed dinner tonight."

"Yeah, me too." You replied, standing next to her and following her gaze to look at the water. "We should do it again sometime." You turned to look at her, a smile on your face, but then something unexpected happened. 

She leaned in and pressed her lips to yours, your hand instinctively moving to her hip as you pulled her close. You had wanted this for months and now all you could do was stand there stunned.

"So y/n," she smirked as she disconnected her lips from yours, "how about Friday night, my place?" 

"That works perfectly." You stuttered, your hand still on her body as she faced you, placing her arms over your shoulders.

"Good." She then placed another soft kiss on your lips, her smile peeking through.

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