Us three: part 3- Vada Cavell and Mia Reed

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"No! What?" Vada yelled as Stu and Billy were revealed as the killers in the original Scream. After the high had hit the three of you like a truck, you were trying to find something to watch when you and Mia found out Vada had never seen Scream.

"That's just how it goes." You laughed, watching as the girl's mouth opened in shock. It was just then that this same memory with Leyah flashed through your mind. You had also shown her Scream for the first time and she had definitely had a similar reaction to Vada.

You tried to stop your tears before they came, but it was no use, so all you could do was try and cry as silently as possible. You hoped that the two girls wouldn't notice, but within a minute or two both girls looked over, noticing immediately.

"Y/n? What's wrong babe?" Vada mumbled worriedly as she paused the movie. The nickname caught you off guard but wasn't enough to calm your crying as you just shook your head, not wanting to explain how stupid it was.

"Hey, hey, what's up? You okay?" Mia cooed as she began rubbing your knee reassuringly, watching as your quiet crying turned into slow sobs. It was easier to stay composed when people weren't asking if you were okay.

"No, it's stupid." You choked out as you turned your head away, not wanting either girl to witness your ugly sobbing. It was bad enough that you were crying in front of them, but especially over a memory of Leyah.

"Hey no," Vada immediately responded, grabbing your chin in her hand, "If it has you crying that means it's important." She said softly, "Please, just tell us."

As you looked back at both girls you realized that they truly cared for you more than you had initially thought. You thought about them being upset and that did worry you for some reason. The fact that you went through something so traumatic together made you want to protect them for some reason.

"It's just-" you stuttered through your tears, "I showed Leyah this movie and your reactions just made me think of her. I know it's dumb but-" 

"It's not dumb," Vada interjected, her tone more serious than it had been before. "Come here." She wrapped you in a tight hug, Mia following behind quickly.

"We love you Y/n," Mia muttered, her words catching you immediately off guard. You had two people who genuinely cared about you even though you had only known them for two weeks. "You two wanna stay over tonight?"

"I would love to." You sniffed, trying to quiet your crying as you let go of the girls, looking at both of them.

"Me too." Vada chimed in, placing a hand on your shoulder. 

"It's us three against the world okay?" Mia smiled.

"Yeah, us three."


Sorry that this is so short and maybe didn't quite end how you thought it would! I just really lost motivation and wasn't sure where to go with the story. 

I'm having awful writer's block so please comment requests and recommendations.

I love you all!


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