Bad idea- Jenna Ortega

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Word count: 1256

College au

*based on the song 'bad idea!' by Girl in Red *

You rubbed your eyes tiredly as you strolled into the library, your bag sliding off of your shoulder as you sat in the far corner. The end of the school year was in a few days and you had spent most of the day moving out of your dorm room. As you opened your book up to the page you left off on, you prepared to read for a few minutes, knowing you would probably fall asleep after a while.

"Do you think he is cute?" You heard a girl squeal from the other side of the room. You weren't paying that much attention until you heard the voice that answered.

"Oh, him? I guess he's okay." You turned your head as soon as you recognized who the voice had come from. Even though she had her back turned to you, you knew exactly who it was. Jenna. The two of you had a situationship on the down low, but that didn't stop you from getting crazy jealous.

"What do you mean 'he's okay'? He is literally the hottest dude in the school!" Her friend giggled, looking over her shoulder and pointing at some random dude who happened to be sitting near you. You watched as Jenna turned her head to look at the topic of conversation but her eyes stopped on you, your piercing gaze making her breath hitch.

"Yeah, he's fine." She stuttered, a small chuckle falling from your lips. She didn't once look at him, she just looked at you and pretended that she had glanced toward the boy.

"Well, I'm gonna go get his number." Her friends said confidently. Only then did she break her eye contact with you, turning toward the girl she had been sitting with. She just nodded her head calmly as her friend stood and sauntered to the boy.

You just returned your eyes to your book and pretended to pay attention to the words on the pages in front of you. To everyone else on campus, Jenna was straight, but you knew the truth. The two of you were practically together... except for the fact that you weren't.

You would never admit that you had gained real feelings for her, at least not until you knew they were reciprocated.

"Uhg, well that was a bust." Her friend groaned as she sat back down in front of Jenna. "He just wanted to ask if you were single."

"Oh," Jenna replied, your eyes flicking back up to look at her. And by her body language, you knew that she knew you heard.

"Well anyway, I gave him your number."

"What? Why would you do that?" She whisper yelled, fidgeting with her rings.

"Oh shush, it's no big deal." Her friend smiled.

"Whatever, I'm gonna go get a new book," Jenna said, standing up rather quickly. Her friend just waved her off jokingly before she began scrolling on her phone. You watched as Jenna walked down a few rows of shelves before disappearing into the 'romance' section. You were about to return to your book when something caught your eye. The boy that they had previously been talking about stood up, walking into the same aisle as her.

You quickly stood up and followed, keeping some composure as you went to the aisle right before the one they were in, being able to listen but not see.

"Hey, Jenna." He said sweetly, sounding super confident.

"Uh, yeah, Jason, right?" She replied, sounding as uninterested as humanly possible.

"The one and only." His cocky words made you cringe as you reluctantly continued to listen. "So, I was wondering, wanna get lunch tomorrow?" You smiled to yourself as you waited to hear how she would reject him, but then your heart stopped.



"Alright, well ill see you at noon or so. Meet here?" He laughed, his voice making you nauseous. 

"Sounds good." You quickly pretended to look at a book as he walked away, waiting till he was out of view to walk into the aisle the two of them had just been in.

"So, lunch tomorrow?" You mocked, watching as she jumped a bit at your voice, her eyes immediately locking with yours. "You pain me, Jenna." You walked a step or two closer, her breath ceasing as you got near her.

"Oh, hi." She said weakly, "Need something?" She asked as if she didn't know who you were. You had gotten used to this kind of treatment. If you and Jenna were behind closed doors, she couldn't get enough of you. But if you were in public... you didn't exist.

"I had fun last night." You smiled, just loud enough that only she could hear, but a little louder than necessary. 

"I- I don't know what you're talking about." She stuttered, turning her back to you and pretending to look at the books. You took a few more steps forward, closing the gap between the two of you.

"Need a reminder?" You asked quickly, your hands laying softly on her hips. You felt her shudder under your touch as she shook her head, knowing that her voice wouldn't work if she tried to speak. "Let's see, you put your hands under my shirt, undid my bra, and said these words, 'darling you're so pretty it hurts.'"

"Y/n." She warned quietly, leaning into you just enough that you noticed. You leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her neck, earning a quiet groan from her. It seemed that this was accepted by her because she tilted her head back even more, resting it on your chest, giving you even more access to her neck. And even though you already had her plenty flustered, why stop now?

"You pushed me up against my wall, and threw my clothes down on the floor." You continued, continuing to lightly kiss her neck, your hands holding a tight grip on her waist as she pressed into you. "Darling, are you ready for more?" And just as she almost gave in, she snapped out of it, turning to face you.

"This is a bad idea." She whispered, but by the tone of her voice, you knew that she didn't even believe what she was saying. And by the way her chest was rising and falling with each breath, you knew the effect you had on her.

"If you say so," you said, beginning to turn around, but just as soon as you had spoken, she grabbed your arm tightly. She pulled you back to her, wrapping her arms around your neck and kissing you feverishly. Her back slammed against the shelf behind the two of you, one of your legs sliding between hers.

"Holy fuck." a voice muttered from behind you. You quickly turned around, keeping Jenna hidden behind you. It was the boy from earlier. "I was just coming back to clarify lunch tomorrow, but it seems we won't be going... carry on." he said quietly, backing away.

As soon as he was out of view you began laughing, turning back around to face the embarrassed brunette. She looked absolutely terrified meanwhile you were laughing your ass off.

"Well, at least I know I have you all to myself." You joked, returning one hand to her waist while the other cupped her face, pressing a soft kiss just below her ear. She exhaled deeply, gripping you for stability.

"I was always yours, even if it was a bad idea."

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