The start of fifth year

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Regulus pov:

I hate James Potter.

I hate how he always was the better brother for Sirius.

Sirius had always chosen him and his family over me. I mean i understand why he chose them over our parents, but im just so fuckin mad that he left me alone. Alone with our shitty parents.
Now he was basically a part of the Potter family. He don't live with them, but on holidays he's were always at their house. I think that if he got the chance to live with them, he would leave me with no hesitation.

I sit in train with my friends Barty Crouch and Evan Rosier. They are the only people at Hogwarts I can tolerate. We are starting our fifth year now, and they are still the only people i don't want to smash into a wall. Them and my friend Pandora.
We just got on the train and we are still looking for an empty cabin to sit in. We reach the end of the train before we finally find one. There is sitting a couple of new first years in it, but Evan threatens to hex them if they don't move. The scared first years runs out of the cabin, as we sit down.

I think I am finally able to get some peace, but then we hear screaming from the cabin beside us. I sigh "Barty can you ask them to shut up" I say.
"Sure, whatever you want mr. Prince" he say sarcastically and stand up.

Barty comes back second after. "I tried and they threatened to hex me" he said sitting down again.

"Who was it?"

"Potter and his friends. Evans was there, the Pettigrew kid, some guy with a lot of scars and Sirius was there too."

I don't answer that. I rather not think about that betrayer that I'm calling my brother. We sit in the cabin and talk about the new quidditch season. Well Evan and Barty does, I just listen. It's hard the keep to conversation going, because we can always hear potters friends from the cabin beside us.

"I'm going to the bathroom" I say as I start to walk out the door. I don't actually need to, I just want a few minutes of quiet. I fiddle with the end of my sleeve, and is so lost in my own thoughts I accidentally bump into someone. I look up to see Potter.
Great, just What I needed.

"Hi Regulus" he says giving my a big smile.

" Hello Potter" i say and starts to walk away again.
Just then i feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and smacks Potters hand of my shoulder.

"Sorry if we are being to loud, I hope we're not bothering you and you're friends."
I just stare at him for a solid three seconds before I respond;

"Well you are bothering us very much." I say and start walk away again. Once again I feel his Hand on my shoulder.

"You can come sit with us if you want to, you can also take Barty and Evan with you, I don't mind" he gives me a happy little smile.

"I rather sit on the floor than sit with you and your friends. And most of all am i not going to speak to my idiot brother." I say and start to walk away once again.

"Regulus wait-"
I hear Potter yell after me. This is getting to much. I turn around again.

"Potter shut up and leave me alone"

Now it's enough.

"I said leave me alone Potter!"

He looks at me in surprise and shock.

"Im sorry i clearly crossed a line, sorry Regulus." He says and heads back to his cabin.
When I can see he is back in his cabin I start to walk back to mine.

"What took you so long" Evan ask as I sit back down again.

"Potter would not leave me the fuck alone"

Evan and Barty looks at each other, and decides not to question any further.
We drive for about 45 minutes more, before the train finally stops. The horseless carts is already waiting. It's really heavily raining and, we are all getting soaked. Me, Evan and Barty run into a cabin nearby. Sadly for us we are not the first to get in there. A little black haired boy was sitting there. He wasn't the most liked person in the school but i honestly didn't really care about him. I had nothing against him, we just weren't friends. "Hello Severus" I said as i sad down beside Evan. "Hello Regulus", he said not looking up from his book. Nobody really talked on that ride, which I was very satisfied with. I really needed some quiet.
When we had arrived to the castle and the headmaster had giving a speech,the food was served. I wasn't really in the mood for eating, so I just talked with Barty and Evan. After a few minutes my other friend, Pandora Lestrange, also came over and said hi. All in Pandoras family had been sorted into Slytherin, so when she was chosen for ravenclaw it created a big mess in her family.

"Are you going to the party tonight?" She asked me.

"What party?"

"Griffendor is hosting a party in their common room tonight. All 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 graders are welcome."

"I don't think I'm going to go, sorry pan."

"pleaseee reg, I promise you it's going to be so fun!"

"Ok maybe, I'll think about it"

Pandora just smiled and left again. I looked back at Barty and Evan who stared at me. "Regulus black, going to a party?." Evan said laughing.
I just rolled my eyes and asked him to go to hell.
Pandora had been begging me to go with her to the party all day, and for some stupid reason I had agreed. The party started at 11:30 at night, so at 11:00 I was in the bathroom trying to get my hair less tangled. I had asked Barty and Evan to come to, but Barty didn't want to, and Evan was gonna hangout with some rawenclaw girl.

At exactly 11:30 Pandora was knocking at the door to my dorm. I had given her the password to the slytherin common room along time ago, and I'm surprised she still remember it.

We head to the party together and when we were in the common room, there was already a lot of people.

"Does the teachers know about this?" I asked her.

She laughed a little. "Of course not, we would never be allowed to hold a party."

The common room is covered in griffindors colors, red and gold. There is a lot of red plastic cups all around the room, and on a table there is many bottles of fire whiskey.

I knew that I should have stayed at my dorm. Damn you Pandora.

TYSM FOR READING! I really hope you liked it! <3

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