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A/N: I just wanted to let you know that this chapter is not much about James and Regulus, but more about friendship. Hope you like it tho :)

Regulus pov:

Today I'm going with Holly to hogsmeade. I'm not exactly excited, but Evan says it will be good for me to go out, and I think that he might be right.

I meet Holly outside at 11:30 that day. It's snowing outside, and everyone is wearing hats, scarfs and big jackets.
When I go outside to find Holly, it's not hard to spot her in the crowd of students on their way to hogsmeade.

Holly actually looks really nice today. She's wearing a blue and black rawenclaw jacket, and white earmuffs. Her hair is sat up in two pigtails, and she still wears her black headband.

We walk down to hogsmeade together. She talks about how she wants to try out for the quidditch team, and how much she hates muggle studies class. Don't get me wrong, she's not a muggle hater like my parents. Her dad is a muggle, so she already know all of the things we learn, and are just bored in those classes.

When we get to hogsmeade we are both pretty hungry. We decide to get some lunch at the three broomsticks. Turns out that even tho we are a lot different, we still have a lot in common.
For example we are both obsessed with detective books, and books about solving crimes. She also lets me borrow some detective muggle book called "Sherlock Holmes" I think?

We also have other things in common;
We are both interested in dark arts class.
We both loves to read, but also write.
And also a lot of other things.

As we talk I start to talk more. (I know that I shouldn't as she is a rawenclaw, and mother would murder me if she found out I was hanging out with her). But I start to feel more comfortable as I realise we have some things in common too. But still I don't think I could be more that just a friend to her.

Just as we're discussing a muggle book called "lord of the rings", potter and his friends comes in. They have snow everywhere, and it looks like Lily's eyelashes is frozen.

They take the only table left, that is the one just opposite us, so we are facing them. Potter smiles at me.
"Hey Regulus" he says as he walks by. He turns around and continues to sit down with his friends.
I start to feel sick. All the the comfort I have just found was gone as soon as they came in. Holly notice this and say; "Reg are you okay."

I just stay silent for a few seconds before I say; "I would like to get out of here please"

She just nods, and follows me outside. We find a bench outside, far away from the rest of the city.

"May I ask what that was all about?"

"I don't know I just-"

Before I get to finish my sentence, she kisses me on the lips. When she pull away she looks at me in shock.

"God I'm so so so sorry, I really didn't mean to I-"

Before she can finish her sentence I start talking.
"Holly it's ok you don't need to say sorry, I just don't think I can love you the way you want me too.

There is quiet for a few seconds before she talks again.

"Friends?" She ask me, looking at the view other the city.

"Definitely" I respond, not looking at her either.

She then puts her head on my shoulder.
I just got a real friend. It's feels nice, and I'm happy that my first kiss was with my new best friend, and not some random slytherin girl.


When we get back to hogwarts me and Holly decides to just chill. We go to the school library, and I show her all of my favorite books. It's nice to have someone that is interested in that kind of stuff to. We get dessert in the great hall, and play wizard chess. I feel so happy the hole day. Even tho Holly just entered my life, she is still the person I trust the most.


When me and Holly have said good night, I head back to my dorm. When I get there, Evan is sitting on his bed drawing. Barty is not there He looks up as he sees me.

"How did you little date go?"

"I guess fine, but we decided to just stay friends tho."

"Too bad, she is really pretty"

"Maybe you should ask her out then"

He just smirks a little; "yeah maybe", he say's looking back at the drawing.

"What wrong, to scared to ask her out." I say jokingly.
Evan drops his drawing, and sit up straight.

"Regulus, I think I'm in love with someone."

I turn to look at him. Evan have had many girlfriends before, but he was never in love with any of them. He was always just bored and needed something to do.

"When then tell me. Who is it?"

"No i can't tell you"

"Evan c'mon, you know you can tell me, or at least just give me a hint"

"Fine, the person I like starts with the letter B"

My brain starts to think about all the people i know at hogwarts who starts with B.
Bella, Belle, Britt, Brooklyn, Barbara, Bianca, Brianna....
There are way to many people at our school who starts with B, I'm never going to find out.

"Fine then, keep you secrets."

I change into my pyjamas. My pyjamas contains a set of black sweatpants, and a big green sweatshirt with the slytherin logo on it.
I then crash into my bed, and falls asleep only seconds after I have laid down.


The next day while I'm eating my breakfast, one of my teachers approaches me, and tells me to go with her. She leads me headmaster Dumbledores office. She then leaves again. Dumbledore tells me to sit down.

"As you might remember, did you last year send in an tutoring form for the extra credit. We have now found a student who really needs some help, as his grades has been going down since the new school year started. We would like you to tutor him every Tuesday and Thursday."

I nod.
"Thank you professor, but who is it I will be tutoring?"

"Look there he is, I'm sure you are already familiar with him."

Just as he says that, Potter walks through the door. For fuck sake. Out of all students at hogwarts of course it had to be him.

Dumbledore tells Potter about the tutoring schedule, and then he let both of us leave. I just want to go back to the great hall and finish my breakfast, but of course he had the same idea.
All the way to the hall he keeps trying to start conversation with me, but I just shut him out and ignore him.

I swear to god, if he tries to talk to me about anything other than homework and tutoring, I'm am literally going to hex spiders out his nose.

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