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A/N: this chapter is super short sorry! I'm just so tired and busy lately but I try my best to update this book as much as I can! :)

Regulus pov:

"As you all probably have heard, has the Slytherin common room burned down, and the dorms too. We have no other choice, but to have the Slytherin share dorms with the other houses. We expect everyone to welcome the Slytherin in their dorms, and for everyone to act acceptable. You new dorm rooms will be told by professor McGonagall when you leave the hall after you have finished your breakfast."

That was what Dumbledore said at breakfast the next day. The Slytherin common room had burned down, and knew us Slytherin had to share dorms. I really hope I still get to share dorms with Evan and Barty.

After breakfast Barty, Evan and I walk over to professor McGonagall to get out new dorms.

"Let me see here. Barty and Evan, you will be sharing room with too Hufflepuff students, the dorm number is 23."
McGonagall says and gives them both a little paper with the common room password in.
She then turns to look at me.

"Regulus black you will be sharing room with four Griffendors. Your dorm number is 16." She also gives me a little paper with the password on it.

After we gotten our room we get handed a big bag with everything we need. New clothes, school book and all of the other things that we lost in the fire.

I say bye to Evan and Barty, to go to the Griffendor common room. The Hufflepuff and Griffendor common rooms is sadly at the opposites sides of the castle, so i will only see them in classes or when we eat.

I find the entrance to the Griffendor common room. It's covered by a huge painting, and a woman in the painting ask for the password. I take out the piece of paper I got.

"Sparrow hawk" i say, and the painting moves aside so i can get in.

Everything inside looks as it did at the party. Everything is covered is red and gold. I walk up the brown stairs, and find room number 16. I wait a few seconds before finally opening the door.



Sirius is sitting on his bed looking at me, and as the others hear him they also look up to see me. The silence is long and awkward. Remus finally decides to break the silence.

"Hi Regulus, um you bed is over there." He says and looks over at a untouched bed.

"Thanks" i say and walk over to it. Beside me is Potter, and he is looking at me. I decide to just ignore him. As I start to pack out my stuff I can hear Sirius whispering to Remus. Even though he is whispering he is not very good at it, and I can hear everything he and Remus says.

"What is he doing here?"

"He probably just got the dorm, that's not our fault."

"Can't we ask the teachers if he can get a new dorm, you know how I feel about him."

"Sirius maybe you should give it a chance before we start doing anything about it."

After that Sirius is silent. Remus smiles at him and mumbles "thank you", before giving him a kiss on his cheek.

Disgusting, if just mother knew Sirius was kissing boys. Regulus would never do anything like that.

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