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Regulus pov:

Regulus woke up that morning feeling nervous. Slytherin had a quidditch match today against Rawenclaw. Rawenclaw had never been very good, but since they got a new seeker last year, they had now most of their games. The winner team would also have to host a party in their common room, and even tho Regulus is not much into party's, he would still try his best to win the game.
He woke up to see Barty already awake walking around in their dorm. Evan was also awake reading a book in his bed.

"Morning Barty, are you okay"? Barty looked over at Regulus.

"Yeah I'm just nervous for today, what if I fail."

"I'm know you're gonna do amazing." Evan said as he gave him a kiss on the cheek.


The two quidditch teams met on the field. About all the students of hogwarts was there watching. The clouds were a little grey, but not raining. Regulus could feel the wind in his hair.

The match was beginning now, and the Slytherin and Rawenclaw team got on their brooms, and flew up in the air. Barty (who was the team captain) and the Rawenclaw seeker shook hands, and then the match began.

Regulus flew up in the air over all of the other players, to see if he could catch a sight of the snitch. Apparently he wasn't the only one who had that idea, because the rawenclaw seeker did the same. Regulus waited and searched for about seven minutes before he saw it. He flew with all his speed toward the snitch, and so did the Rawenclaw seeker when she saw him following it. The snitch flew under the field, and he followed it under.

He had to be careful to not fly into one of the tree blocks that held everything up. The Rawenclaw seeker was right behind him, but then she accidentally flew into one of the three blocks. Regulus had the chance now, it was only an arm length away from him. Just as he was about to catch it, the snitch flew up on the field again. Regulus followed it even quicker that he thought he was able too.

The snitch was again so close now. He used the rest of the remaining power in his body, and before he could do anything, the snitch was in his hand. They players from Slytherin flew down and ran to Regulus. The hole stadium was cheering, or well Rawenclaw wasn't and Sirius wasn't either, but everyone else was.


The Rawenclaw common room is filled with People. Even though it was Slytherin that won, they had to hold the party in the Rawenclaw common room, because the Slytherin common room was still getting rebuilt after the fire. Everyone is either dancing, drinking, playing drinking games, and some few people just came to be there but not drink. Regulus wasn't going to be drunk that night, even tho it wouldn't matter if he did as there weren't school the next day.

"Hey Reggie!!" Regulus behind him to see James walking against him.

"Hi James."

"Wanna have a drink?"

"I don't like drinking too much no thanks."

"Well at least dance with me."

"No thanks I rather stay here."

"No you don't, I can see how much you want to dance." James Said sarcastically and pulled Regulus out on the dance floor.

"For a black you're actually not that bad of a dancer." James yelled just loud enough for Regulus to hear over the music.

"What's that's supposed to mean?" Regulus laughed.

"It's just you're brother, he is the worst dancer I have ever seen."

Regulus laughed a little but his smile faded. "Not even surprised."

James quickly noticed that Regulus looked uncomfortable now.

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