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Regulus pov:

I'm looking over at the griffendor table. James just asked Lily out, and Lily said yes. I had to remember to congratulate him, I thought to myself.

"Who are you going with?" Evan asked
Normally Barty was the one to start conversations, but he was in the library.

"I don't know, I don't think I wanna go."

"Why not?"

"None of the girls is someone I wanna go out with, and it's embarrassing to go alone."

"What about Holly? You know the girl who has an crush and you and you went to hogsmeade with but now your just friends?"

"I don't like her in more than a friend way."

"You could just go as friends if she doesn't already have a date."

"That's actually a possibility. I'll ask her later."


"Did you see it Reg?! She said yes I'm so happy!" A very hyper and happy James said.

"For the last time James yes, I did see it."

We were sitting in our dorm room on our own beds that were opposite from each other. Sirius and Remus is walking around outside, and Peter is in detention for accidentally exploding a potion.

"What should I wear?"

"Anything but sweatshirt, you wear them all the time."

"I'll probably just wear a black suit like everyone else. Btw who are you going with?"

"I'm gonna ask Holly Whitlock."

"I thought you were just friends?"

"We are but I don't find any of the girl in our school attractive or my type. We Will just be going as friends if she says yes."

"Sounds gay."

"Haha very funny James" I roll my eyes


"Sure I would love to! But only as friends right?" Holly says

"Yes i hope that ok."

"It totally is! Im happy us singles can get together."
She says and put her arm around my shoulders. We start walking back to the great hall.

"What about Potter?" She then asks

"What about him?"

"Why aren't you going with him?"

"I'm not gay, we are just friends and he is going with Lily. Beside he wouldn't like someone like me in that way. And again we are only friends."

"Mhm... then tell me why he's always starting at you whenever he gets the chance."

"No he's not!"

"You should start looking more. And thinking. Because it's obvious and my gaydar is ringing every time I see him."

"James? James Potter? Gay?"

"Yes it's obvious."

"Holly I don't think he's gay. He is going with Lily and everyone knows he has had a crush on her for years."

"Wait and see..."


"Did she say yes?" Barty ask putting out his cigarette.

"Yes but we are just going as friends."

"Sound fun. Me and Evan are going together."

I smile at him. I really am happy for him and Evan but I don't know how to express it. Its hard but i think that I'm getting better at accepting people as they are.

"Who is James going with?" Ask Barty

"Lily, he has always been interested in her. But why do you even care?"

"I seen how you started at him this morning."

"No I didn't. I LOOKED at the griffendor table because it was interesting to see how it vent. He is my friend after all."

"You sure he's not more than a friend?"

"Yes very sure."

"Whatever makes you happy prince."

I roll my eyes at Barty.

"I'm going to the library, see you later." I say and take my bag with school books and pens. I walk out of our dorm before Barty can say anything.


I sit at my usual table. It's in the back of the library, so it's never crowded, and it's always quiet. I'm reading in a book about magical creatures. I'm reading something about a hippogrif, but I don't quite understand it yet.

My attention to the book is drawn away, when someone sit down opposite me.

"Hey Reggie." James says

"Hello James." I say and return my focus back to my book.

"You got a date to the winter ball?" He asks me

"Actually yes, im going with Holly Whitlock from Ravenclaw."

"I thought you were just friends?"

"We are, but neither of us had anyone to go with."

"Im going with Lily Evans." James says as a smile form on his lips.

"I saw that. Congratulations."

"OMG I TOTALLY FORGOT. WHAT SHOULD I WEAR!?" James says as people shush at him.

"James shut up. This is a library, you have to stay quiet." I nearly whisper to him.

"Yeah sorry."

"But about clothes. Just wear a tuxedo or something."

"What will you wear?"

"A tuxedo I guess."

"I'm sure you are going to look amazing." James says jokingly while giggling a little.


I feel weird. My body feels all warm after that comment, and my cheeks are probably red too. What the hell is wrong with me. I don't hope I got a fever. But I don't feel sick? What is happening. It can't be feelings for James. He's a boy, and so am I.

"Anyways I gotta go. See you Reggie." He says as he stands up his chair, and starts to walk out of the library.

"See you" I say, but he's to far away to hear it.

I return to my book, but i can't really focus on it. What just happened? Was James just joking, or did he actually mean it? I hope he was just joking. I don't want to be anything other than James friend. Right?

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