Part 2 : Operation Style

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"Girls 💗" group chat
5 online

Heidi :
So your telling us..

Nichole :
That Stan and Kyle are homosexuals..

Red :
And you want to get them to date..

Nichole :
And come up with a ship name

Heidi :
Because it'd be cute??

Bebe :
Yes !!

Nichole :
I support you girls fully..

Red :
Yea me too.

Nichole :
And.. im pretty sure we all do! But don't we already have a gay couple?

Heidi :
Right. It's Tweek and Craig!

Wendy :
Well yea, but think about it.. i would be free!

Bebe :
For Wendy, girls

Nichole :

Red :
Although no one can top Tweezers and my dumbass relative.. I'll agree to help

Heidi :
Yea me too

Nichole :
Well, I guess. Hopefully Stan won't be playing "I'm not gay" just like Craig did

Red :
Right!? That's 1 month I'll never get back..

Bebe :
I assure you that Stan isn't playing the Craig card

Wendy :
Oh thank you girl so much!! I can start having normal relationships without Stan on my tail!!

Red :
Ofc! Anything for our wonderful team captain 💗

Bebe :
Ok so, Operation Stan x Kyle is a go??

Heidi :

Nichole :
But first let's figure out a ship name to make this operation shorter..

Wendy :

Bebe :
How about...

Bebe :

Nichole :
Oh dear god no..

Heidi :
Sounds like Kyman...

Bebe :
Oh yea

Red :
What about Stanlye

Bebe :
Cute it's like Stan's name "Stanley"

Nichole :
Too long at the same time

Heidi :
I've got one!

Wendy :
Spill !!

Heidi :

Bebe :
That's ones good !!

Nichole :
Not long!

Red :
And cute!!

Wendy :
Style it is!!

Bebe :
Operation Style is go!!

Nichole :
I'll start immediately on our operation poster!

Nichole is now offline

Red :
I'll get started on some Style art

Heidi :
And I'll let the Asian girls know we have a new ship to draw!!

Wendy :
I will plan how the operation should go and the meetings

Bebe :
I'll stalk the group chat for more Style moments

Heidi, Red, and 2 others are now offline

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