Part 7 : Fanfics

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"Blondes suck ass!!" group chat
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Bebe :
Omg I'm currently reading the cutest bunny fanfic i can't stop smiling

Wendy :
I'm reading a very well written style angst fanfic

Wendy :
The problem is I can't stop crying

Red :
Well I'm reading a creek fluff fanfic I'm literally sobbing

Craig :
What the hell are fanfics

Red :

Wendy :
You don't know what fanfics are??

Stan :
Is it like drawings like the ones that the Asian girls make

Bebe :
Your way off

Red :
Fanfics are story's that people make about us or anyone for that matter

Stan :
So we're basically famous?

Wendy :
I guess

Wendy :
Btw why are you and Kyle fighting in the fanfic 🙄

Stan :
I knew that was coming

Bebe :
Kenny sleeping over at Butters house is so cute 😪

Red :
I was promised fluff not angst 🤨 Creek fighting is not fluff

Craig :
What the hell is fluff

Red :
It's hard to explain it and I'm too lazy 😪 so basically happy story

Craig :

Craig :
What app are you reading it on?

Red :
Uhhhh, there's 2..

Craig :
Give me both.

Red :
Ok...? AO3 and Wattpad 🫵🫵🫵

Craig :
Why that emoji

Red :
No reason but why do you want the apps

Craig :
No reason yk

Craig is offline

Stan :
Yea I'm gonna go offline too and download something

Stan is offline

Wendy :

I think i get it.

Bebe :
I don't

Wendy :
Ofc you don't

Wendy :
Girls to the group chat

Bebe :
But I'm reading

Wendy :

Wendy, Bebe, and one other are offline

"Girls 💗" group chat
3 online

Wendy :

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