Part 9: Ice Cream flavors

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"Blondes suck ass!!" group chat
4 online

Cartman :
Ok but who actually likes Vanilla ice cream?

Bebe :
I think cookie doughs a good flavor

Wendy :
I find a good liking to strawberry

Butters :
Hey i like vanilla:(

Cartman :
Butters what don't you like

Butters :
Well I don't like mint chip

Cartman :
Well no one does

Wendy :
I think Red likes Vanilla

Red is online

Red :
No I like mint chip

Cartman :

Red :
Fuck you fatass

Cartman :
Whatever Red

Bebe :
Serious talk though.. who likes Vanilla here other than butters?

Butters :
I think Kyle does

Kyle is online

Kyle :
Yea it's actually really good

Cartman :
Let's kick Kyle and butters out for liking that gross shit

Kyle :
Shut the fuck up you only like chocolate ☠️

Cartman :

Red :
No wonder your so fat

Cartman :

Butters :
It's getting pretty hectic in here im going offline

Butters is offline

Wendy :
You shouldn't eat so much chocolate

Bebe :
What Wendy said

Red :
You'll get gross acne like Stan

Kyle :
Stan doesn't have acne?

Wendy :
Kyle look at Stan's face and tell me what you see

Cartman :
A gay wad

Wendy :
I wasn't asking you

Cartman :
But am I wrong?

Wendy :

Cartman :
Exactly whore

Wendy :
I hate you again

Kyle :
Listen guys Stan's face is perfectly clear

Bebe :
Please ask him what a jade roller is

Red :
We'll be waiting for his response

Kyle :
Alright fine!!

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