Part 5 : Gay ships

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"Blondes suck ass!!" group chat
6 online

Cartman :
All you fags are making me sick 🤢

Bebe :
Clyde should add fatass to the diversity group list

Clyde :

Clyde :
And drug addict for Tweek

Tweek :
hte bulyilng 😓

Red :
BETTER Tweek translator: the bullying 😓

Red :
Fr y'all coming for Tweezers and for what 😭

Bebe :
Exactly 💯

Bebe :
Btw i know you guys said not to search more creek art made by the Asian girls buttttt

Bebe :Btw i know you guys said not to search more creek art made by the Asian girls buttttt

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Red :

Tweek :
Im getting a cat

Bebe :
@Craig and Twinky

Craig is online

Craig :

Cartman :
How do you feel about this Craigy boy

Craig :
Don't call me that

Craig :
And no I want an army of guinea pigs

Red :

Bebe :

Cylde :

Tweek :
Im alredhikc to giieua pigs

Red :
Tweek translator: I'm allergic to guinea pigs

Craig :
No your not

Craig :
You can't be allergic to our son

Tweek :
Yse i can

Red :
Tweek translator: yes i can

Craig :
Since when

Tweek :
Snice cats

Red :
Twerk translator: Since cats

Cartman :
The homosexuals are fighting

Cylde :
It's making me cry :((

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