Chapter 4

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Ariel wakes up in all smiles, between her and her twin is their father sleeping in her king size bed inside her bedroom. Another sleep over happened last night, their father telling them a bedtime story as he says. They fell asleep hearing his voice telling a story about some kid who got a scar on his forehead against an evil magician.

The crown prince flutters his eyes slowly open to see his masked twin, sitting across the fluffy bed watching him and his father who was sleeping without a care. Dev sits up and speaks up. "Ariel we should do our duty to help father live a comfortable life, yes?"

Ariel nods her head. "I agree."

The court room came in silence as the two prince walks in by the crown prince leading a few steps ahead from the second prince. The crown prince stands in the center near the Emperor's golden throne as for the second prince who took a step behind him standing on his right. The crown prince snaps his hands as the enormous door closes an indication for the court meeting to proceed yet bees of whispers in the room echoes in question for how could the meeting start without the Emperor.

"I am the crown prince and as Imperial father needs to recuperate for the time being, in his name I will be dealing with everything in his absence." The six year old declared in a firm manner.

The room grew silent for his words as everyone bows their heads except for the minister of gold. "Being the crown prince is different than being the Emperor, your Highness." The old man stated and continued. "I am his Majesty's subject and I will follow only his words."

Dev narrowed his eyes at the old man who was clearly declaring his unapproval to him doing his father's tasks.

"Your Highness, we appreciate you wanting to help, to solve the Empire's problems but I'm afraid your to young to give definite judgment for these matters." The old man smirks.

The enormous door opens back again, presenting the Emperor in his sleeping wear yet covered by a red robe, his hair down. The long straight black hair flows as his stoic face looks at the crowd behind him Ryoto stands. He walks in the room further as the door closes. He looks at everyone, his domineering presence in the silent room, blooms. "Dev, Ariel, come here." He ordered.

The two prince's does as told while all of the ministers and government officials eyes watches them.

The thirty-two year old Emperor kneels down to reach their height and patted both their heads. "I'm fine, stop worrying." He stands up straight right after and looks around the room.

Everyone avoided to meet his cold unexpressive eyes and has their heads down.

"Ryoto let me borrow your sword." He stated as everyone felt panic after hearing his calm voice. Deep inside Minho was laughing so hard to notice the big sweats pouring on everyone's forehead.

Ryoto handed him a cool looking sword. He was able to held it swiftly. "This is a beautiful sword, I feel like cutting thing's right now." He nonchalantly announced as he walk towards his golden chair and took a sit on it. "Has anyone in here tried to make my children uncomfortable?" He mused.

The old man gulp and took great courage to be honest, to speak for his mistake as he stated. "Your Majesty, this lowly minister, questioned the crown prince earlier." He kneels down from where he stands his forehead kissing the floor. He opted to be honest and appease the unpredictable Emperor.

People around him moves away as he could hear footsteps coming his way. "Ease up, raise your head so that I can see your face."

The old man scared for his life, followed what the Emperor told him yet his eyes still looking away.

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