Awkward dinner

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At his parent’s house, I help Marry set up the table. Kane hasn’t shown up and I don’t know if I should be happy or sad. I pretty much told where to fuck off this morning.
Nick is on his fifth glass of wine.

“I never thought I would see you again, much less with Nick.” Marry comments.

“Me too.” I awkwardly chuckle. This is going to be the worst dinner ever and I blame Nick for forcing me into it. This is supposed to be a welcome family dinner, not an introducing girlfriend dinner.

Nick shouldn’t have invited me and a part of me finally acknowledges the selfish part of him.

“Does he know?” I get that she is trying to look out for her son, but she doesn’t need to make it more awkward than it already is. “Yes.” The doorbell rings and my heart skips a couple of beats. I am nervous, annoyed and happy that he is here which is so messed up. Nick walks in with two glasses of wine and hands me one wrapping his arm around his waist.

A delightful squeal fills the house, and a laugh follows sending shivers down my spine.

“You are back!” Joey's cheery voice says. I can’t believe the last time I saw her she was just a little girl.

“This is a nice welcome.” They sound like they are still standing by the front door.

“Welcome back son.” Michael.

Kane appears with Joey in his arms, but his eyes are on Nick’s arm on my waist. I want to move but I can’t because I think Nick planned this. He wants him to see he got me and I don’t like it. Mainly because I am being used in their little game.

“Marry.” He acknowledges her still holding Joey but she hugs him and he stiffens. Michael takes Joey from him and his hands have formed a fist. I guess he hasn’t forgiven her yet.

“I missed you.” She cups his face and he shrugs off her hands and takes a step back.

He is uncomfortable.

I don’t think he wanted to come here.
Seeing me with Nick must be harder because he keeps looking at his arm on my waist.

I want to comfort him.

Tell him everything will be okay.

To give his mother a chance.

To not be so angry at the world.

To be less grumpy.

“Nick.” He nods at him.


I can feel Nick’s stare when I hug Kane.

“If this is my punishment for earlier then you are doing a great job at pissing me off.” He whispers in my ear and a shiver runs down my spine.

“You have to tell me what you have been up to in the last five years because I doubt you told me everything.”

Michael says leading Kane and Nick to the dining room and I silently thank him for saving me.

“Oh, honey.” Marry as she giving me the knowing look.

“Come on. Help me in the kitchen.” I follow.

“You still love him.” She states as she hands me a bowl of rice.

“That obvious?”

“You need to make a decision soon. You can’t be with Nick or Kane but think about the other it’s not fair to either  of them.”

“I don’t want to hurt anyone.” I state my fears.

“That’s inevitable…those boys are everything to me and as much as you I don’t want to see them broken-hearted but it’s best to be heartbroken than be miserable and resentful towards someone.” She put her hand on mine. “Love loudly.”
“Lady, where is the food?” Michael walks in holding a glass of wine. I make my way to the dining room when he starts whispering to Marry.

“You know she is mine, right?” Nick.

“You sure about that?” Kane.

“She chose me.” Kane scoffs.

“Then why didn’t you tell her I never went to prison?” my heart skips a couple of beats.

“Aunty Thea!” I look down at Joey and feel two other pair on me.

“Time to eat sweetheart.” I walk in and place the bowl on the table. I sit down and soon after a chair is pulled and Kane sits, Nick is glaring at him, but he doesn’t even care and sticks his finger in the bowl.

“Hey?” he smirks at me.

He is provoking Nick. Everyone takes their place at the table.

“How is Morgan Investment branch coming along?” I look at him surprised.

“You have a company?” I don’t hide my surprise. Brian recently opened a company, Stella is a supermodel, Logan is a well-known musician, Leigh has the highest-paid position at work and I have no direction or done anything with myself. They all have careers, but I am in limbo.

“Yes. Currently expanding to London. Main offices in Spain.” He informs.

“That’s all you are eating?” I don’t have a big appetite these days.

“That’s all she ever eats,” Nick comments. “Yeah you don’t see anything wrong with that do you?” he snaps at him.

“Play nice boys,” Michael warns. Kane piles food on my plate and I look at him in shock.

“Eat.” He demands.

“Are you staying for good or are you just here to screw things up and leave again?” Nick asks and Marry sighs in defeat.

“Excuse me?” oh God no.

“You heard me.”

“It’s not a secret you destroy everything you touch so…”


“What? It’s the truth.”

“Nick!” I look at him surprised.

“Did you fuck him?”

“Nick!” Michael. “Cover your ears, honey.” Joey obeys and Nick gulps down his drink.

“You have had too much to drink.” I try to change the subject.

“Just answer the fucking question!” he yells. This is thee first time seeing him so angry. What have I done?

“Yes, she did. What the fuck are you going to do about it?” if I could kill him I would.

“You fucking bitch.” He tries to get to me, but Kane’s gun stops him.

“Both of you stop it!” Michael gets between them.

“You are not my family nor do I give a fuck what happens to you and putting a bullet in your fucking head sounds more appealing  right now.” My heart feels like it’s going to pop out of my chest.

“No one is shooting anyone! You,” he pushes Nick. “Take a walk.”

“And you, calm down. I won’t have my sons killing each other for…” he doesn’t finish when he sees his face. “Just stop threatening my son, will you?” he scoffs.

“It’s cute you think I am threatening him.” He gets in his face. “I will kill him and you won’t do fucks about it.” He pushes him and walks out.

“I am so sorry.” I go after him, and he ends up in the piano room.

I knew this dinner was a bad idea.

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