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Sal never really noticed or minded Travis, even when he called him names. Sal doesn't want to be enemies with him, he doesn't like conflict much. He mostly ignored him, or tried to. One day, Travis had just, stopped talking all together.

He never noticed that he had physical education with Travis. When he did, he didn't like what he saw. It wasn't that he was looking at him shirtless, it's that he didn't like what was there. His entire chest and back was covered in severe scarring. Some deeper than others, some newer. Concerning enough on its own, but when he saw how skinny he was, that's when he got worried. You could see his ribcage though his chest, and his arms were almost small enough to fit your fist around. He changes so fast, no wonder no one has noticed. The scarring, however, looked more like burns. Some looked to be in the shape of a cross or just a sharp object in general. Everytime Sal would walk by travis you would always get a strong whiff of something, a very distinct smell of beer or weed. Sal never really cared about the smell as he was sure he smelled like that too. He just didn't expect Travis, a church going homophobic boy, to smell like that.


Sal and Travis are by the empty crosswalk outside of the building. Its cold with wind biting everyone that steps out. It's raining and almost everyone had left, today Sal's dad couldn't pick him up so he had to walk home. Travis always walked home. No matter the weather, Sal knew Kenneth had a car and his only job is church. Maybe he just wants Travis to gain weight by exercise or something. He never understood that man.

Both of them and standing in silence while water poured down. Sal was getting wet from the rain but he doesn't care, he likes it.  It's cool and gets under his prosthetic, cooling his face down. Travis has an umbrella, due to the fact he doesn't like the feeling of water on his injuries. Or the clothes sticking to him like glue

Suddenly, Sal isn't getting wet anymore. He opens his eyes, confused, and see's Travis giving him his umbrella and running off. Before Sal could retaliate Travis was sprinting towards the church. Still surprised, Sal holds the open umbrella trying to process what happend.

The crosswalk light hadn't gone off yet so there were angry drivers yelling at him when he sped off, his clothes slowly dampening. When the light finally changes Sal hurries to try and catch up with him, It's been a while as the crosswalks tend to be slow so he's quite far behind. He does his best to catch up, he runs for a while before he see's the blonde blob that is Travis. When he finally gets to a point where he can see Travis, they are at his house. It's very isolated, but, a part of the church. Travis opens the door and is met with his father. Sal see's this, he doesn't like Travis' father but he didn't quite have a reason. Sal opens his mouth to speak, return the umbrella. Though, just as Sal is catching up to Travis. His fathers hand comes through the open door and grabs him, Travis turns around and makes eye contact with Sallyface as his father pulls him inside, shutting the door while screaming about the umbrella sal was holding. Sal stands clutching the umbrella he was screaming about, flabbergasted. He was yelling over an umbrella?

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