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Travis licks what's left of the cheese dust from the goldfish wrapper. All I can do is smile at him, like a dork. I forget I don't have my mask on when it's off. I don't feel I should change my facial expression so I don't notice when it's weird. Travis turns his head towards me and lifts his eyebrow in curiosity.
"What's the smile for?" He asks.
Surprised, I fix my face and do my best to come up with an excuse.
"Nothing, just funny the way you ate it. Do you want some more?"
"I think i'm good for now but thank you." He says, returning the smile I gave earlier.
Travis crumpled up the wrapper and gets off my bed to throw it away. As he turns and heads toward my trash can, I notice he has a slight limp, from his dad no doubt. He tries to hide it but he leans to his left. He finds the trash can and throws it away.
Last time Travis was here he seemed much more uncomfortable, now he's exploring with his eyes. He isn't as untrusting, I think he's finally opening up.
I stand and head over towards where Travis is standing, he's looking at some of the posters and pictures on my wall.
"That's Ashley right?" He questions, pointing to a picture.
"Yeah, you can call her Ash though i'm sure she won't mind."
"After all I did during freshman year I don't think we would be so friendly."
"Well, I haven't told her about why so that's a good point."
"I would rather you didn't." Travis says "I mean, I know she's going to hate me still but I'd prefer only people I trust know."
I feel bad for telling Larry but I spend most of my time with him and I didn't stop to wonder how Travis might feel. God, I'm such an ass for telling Larry his business. Travis breaks the silence,
"Are you two.. like... dating?" He utters.
"Me and Ash? No! No, haha." I comment trying not to laugh.
I see my Dad lurking in the hallway outside my open door, trying to seem sneaky. We make eye contact as he tries to scurry away, not before I question him.
"Dad, what are you doing?"
"Nothing! Just making sure this door stays open."
"It's staying open."
"Use protection." He declares before running into the living room.
"Oh my god, DAD!" I bring my hand to my head and facepalm. When I pull away I see Travis, looking very confused.
"What did he mean? Also he used the term "fruity" before, I don't know that word."
"Oh... Uh, "fruity" is another word for "gay". And the protection thing, he was telling me not to have sex with you (without protection)" I explain.
Travis' eyes widen and his face turn red, I can't blame him my dad can be a bit vulgar. He hides his hands in his face which i've never seen him do before. He is very embarrassed by this, making me smile again. He really isn't as mean as he pretends to be.
"Oh! Over here are my books by the way." I mention stepping toward my bookshelf. I rest my hand on his shoulder and lead him towards the far corner in my room.
Travis pulls his hands away from his still red face and observes my books. He scans each shelf, looking happier each one.
"You can read the summaries of some if you'd like." I say pulling down a couple books.

TRAVIS POV (sorry this is so abrupt i'm going insane)
Sal hands me a book, paperback, mystery. I try to focus on the insides of the covers but my mind is wandering. How can his dad be so comfortable with gay people.? I mean, my father would kill me. It makes me so upset that someone can just have a relationship as normal as this. Even i'm still uncomfortable with the label "gay".
I put down the book i'm holding and ask about it.
"Oh that one? If you want to find another time to pick it up where your dad wouldn't notice we can figure that out."
"Yeah that would be great."
"Can I show you something?" He asks grabbing my hand. My face immediately feels hot as I stammer out an answer.
"I- uh, yes?"
"Alright, can I have your phone?"
I pull away from his touch and reach for my backpack. My hands start to sweat because this entire situation is very "fruity". My palms turn clammy as I pull out the device from a pocket in my backpack. Sal opens it and opens something with a camera on it.
"Here! You can take a picture of the books you like for when you come over next."
"Woah, I mean ive seen people use a phone camera before but i've never actually..." I exclaim as Sal stands next to me and "flips" the camera.
"Look it's us! Do you mind if I take a picture?"
"I don't"
Sal clicks a little white button and brings the phone down from his outstretched arm and shows me the photo.
Me and Sal, in his room, smiling. Seeing Sal's face, I now have a picture of us, together.
"Cmon! I have one more thing to show you." He states as he grabs my hand, the one not holding the phone.
He pulls he out of his room and towards the front door.
"Hey kids, where are you going?"
"Shhh! It's a surprise, Dad!"
"Alright, alright, come here for a second before you go."
"Okayyy?" Sal replies pulling his hand away from mine, again. As he runs to his dad just out of earshot across the room, he makes sure to grab his mask. I don't hear anything they are saying but I do see Sal's reaction, as his dad is facing away from me.

SALLYFACE POV (so u know what his dad says)
"Yknow that kid likes you"
"I was that way with your mom, he's very much in love with you." He pauses "Ive caught him looking at you when you weren't looking, smiling very sweetly"
My face turns bright red. He what? I didn't- He- No, I can't- But- What? My mind is all screwed at the thought of Travis liking me. Travis with the beautiful face and blonde hair? Travis with the slightly freckled skin and a scar on his lip? me? With all my scars and ratty unkept hair?
My dad pats my shoulder and shoo's me back to Travis. My mind still running. "looking at me, lovingly" what does he mean by that? I mean he did ask if me and Ash were dating but that's a normal question. Does he actually like me? Do I actually like him? Okay that last part was stupid I know I like him, but me? He likes ME?

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