To home

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I choose to walk back to the church, I know Sal can drive but I won't burden him. It's nice out, but it's getting cold so I know father will be mad that i'm this late. I look up at the sky and see the soft clouds disappear into the sunset, once I notice that the sun is almost down I start to run home. My feet hitting the pavement as I pick up the pace all I can think of is what Sal looked like under his prosthetic. He was beautiful, for a guy. Even if his face was covered in scars it still had this enchanting look about it that I can't describe.
Out of breath I reach the church and see the silhouette of my father, he is leaning against the door frame with the lights on in the house behind him. I reach the house and see my fathers red face, he is furious at the time I came home.
"What the hell is wrong with you, boy? You think it's acceptable to come home at this time of night!?" He says his voice getting louder.
"Get inside you piece of shit I don't need to deal with this right now." He turns around and leaves the doorway empty for me to enter the house.
Usually he would hit me but I guess something happened today. I won't push these thoughts, I just got lucky. I take a deep breath of relief as I head upstairs to my room. I set down my backpack and untie my shoes before I head towards the window. I open it halfway before I pause and feel a gust of wind brush against my face. I leave the window cracked like this as I stare into the darkness before starting to think about Sal again. Why do I see him in everything? The sky is a dark blue, like his eyes... what am I thinking? Is this... no, no. I'm not- gay... and I can't be, it's a sin and I already cause enough trouble for my father, he doesn't need a homosexual disappointment. God... Why do I feel like this? My father knows I like guys so why am I denying it?
I think as I walk to my backpack, out of my water bottle pocket I see a string poking out, not uncommon since i've had this bag for so long. I go to pull it out of my bag when I see that it's taped to a pierce of paper. I then see that it's not a string at all, it's a pink bracelet.
All that the paper has on it is a simple black heart.


I spent all last night trying to figure out how to make that bracelet, I want Travis to trust me. I've seen so little of what his father does I don't want to imagine what happens when i'm not there. Despite only getting close for a few days i'm so worried about him. He used to be mean freshman year but middle of sophomore year he stopped. I didn't notice at the time but it was definitely weird for such an abrupt end to the comments. I wonder if something happened. I close my bedroom door as i'm getting ready to go to sleep. My mask is on my bedside table where I set it last. Obviously I never sleep in it, today I feel more comfortable without it. I'm not stressed about anyone seeing, which is unusual for a weekday night. My dad was probably right that I should be more open to showing people my face. Travis' reaction wasn't like Larry's though, I thought he was surprised by how bad the scarring was but he seemed so calm at the sight of the accident that is my head. I hope that in the future I can help him escape his dad, if you can even call him that.
I finish brushing my teeth and look at myself in the mirror, what did Travis see that made his reaction that? I run my hand through my hair and tie it up before pausing in-front of the glass. I bet he just noticed my glass eye, if you're looking you can tell. I reach up to my face and take the fake eye out, I just assumed i'm not supposed to sleep in this and I set it on the marble counter. I try to look at my face for longer but I cant, it's definitely going to take me longer than I thought to be okay with showing my face to more people.
I lay on top of the blankets on my bed, there trash on the floor and i'm holding my mask in my hands. I can't sleep very well recently, assuming because i'm worried about Travis. I push the cloth down on my bed and I sit up to get a glass of water from the kitchen. I step over wrappers and plates of food as I go to open my bedroom door. I pause at the handle before taking a breath and turning around. I take my phone out of my pocket and open photo's, I scroll back to a selfie I took with Larry a couple months ago. I zoom in on the back and see Travis, his hair is more yellow here. Besides that he looks the same, I like his hair better now, it's longer and more blonde than whatever color it was before.
"I really hope I can help you" I whisper out loud before turning off my phone and heading back to bed.

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