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Sal returns to the door of the apartment trying not to look flustered by covering his face with his mask. I don't think he's as comfortable with the other residents here so that's why he wears it outside. I can't help but wonder where he's taking me? He's holding my hand and leading me down the hallway we came up, his palms are soft. We get back in to the reaking elevator and Sal pushes the button to the top floor.
"Where are you taking me?" I question.
"To the roof."
I pause, confused.
"Why the roof?" I ask.
"We first became friends on your roof, it only feels fair to show you mine."
"Strange idea but alright." I finish.
I don't think he realizes (or is pretending not to notice) that he is still holding my hand.
The elevator creeps up the shaft slowly leaving a prolonged silence between me and Sal. We get a few floors up before Sal starts talking again.
"So.. Is there any questions you have for me?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I asked you a ton of questions when we met about.. your 'dad'. I was wondering if you had any questions about me."
"I guess.. I just didn't want to get too personal with you." I respond, feeling my hand begin to sweat.
"Honestly you can just ask I don't think there's anything too out of bounds for you."
"Alright." I comment before resuming. "What happened to your face? Not to say that there's like something wrong with your face or-"
"No no it's alright I know what you meant."
The elevator doors open as we reach the top floor and Sal pulls me out and starts to walk down the hallway. He turns around many corners and doors with people peeking through the mail holes. It's a while before he decides to continue, as we reach an emergency exit door.
"It's kind of hard to explain, but i'm fine answering it." He finally remarks.
Sal pushes open the emergency exit door, to my dismay. Though, no alarm goes off which surprises me. The metal door leads to a black fire escape. Stairs wind up and down the side of the building, though since we are going to the roof there are very few stairs going up.
We climb the stairs, carefully, not uttering a word. The steel steps are old, leaving me and Sal separated by the hand in order to hold on to the side. I'm in front of Sal so I reach the top first.
It's nothing like the roof of my house, there's chimneys and air conditioning units scattered across the top. A low humming noise comes from some equipment I don't recognize, that I walk by as I step onto the gravel. The roof here is huge.
"Where should we sit?" I ask as we move around the building.
The sun is starting to set now, leaving an orange hue to the sky.
"Is here alright?" Sal asks pointing to a clearing covered with cigarette butts.
"Yeah that's fine."
We travel over to the clearing and sit down, I cross my legs and Sal sits with one leg up to his chest. I hear him take a deep breath as he reaches behind his head to undo the straps of his prosthetic, eventually breathing out. The prosthetic comes off his face and into his hands, he sets it on the gravel around us and begins to talk.
"I was about eight and was having a picnic with my mom. I went to go pet a dog which turned out to be a man with a shotgun. He tried to shoot me but my mom ran in front of the bullet. Basically, fragments of that bullet mauled my face."
(in this scenario Sal fails to mention the man had a dog mask so Travis doesn't think it's his father.)
"Oh my god, you were shot?!" I vocalize, completely shocked.
I mean i've seen the scars on his face they are definitely deep but I didn't expect something as violent as getting shot.
"Yeah basically." He responds pushing tufts of blue hair behind his ears.
For a moment the rooftop begins to settle to the dark leaving me speechless.

Silence is not what I was expecting to hear. Most of the time I get some sappy apology when I bring up what happened.
"I don't know what to say, I'm sure you've heard 'sorry' like a hundred times.. Are you okay?"
"Well my scars are healed cause I was, yknow, eight."
"I mean- That's good but I meant like mentally."
Mentally? No one's ever asked me like that before. Most people are worried about how I am physically. I didn't think Travis would know how to comfort me. I thought opening up to him could potentially have him trust me more. It ended up having me trust him. Having someone that cares about me like this is new. There's always my dad but I can't tell him everything. Thinking of him reminds me of what he said, Travis liking me. The thoughts rush in leaving a fresh warm feeling to my face. My heart is beating faster thinking of it. Someone that 'loves' me, as ugly as I am with all of me scars. Me for me. Cares about how I'm doing. Night begins to fall as stars start to glow, illuminating the rooftop.
The words slip out of my mouth before I can stop them. Feelings got the better of me.

"Travis, can I kiss you?"

Rooftop /SALVIS / TWWWhere stories live. Discover now