Mask or Prosthetic

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Monday morning

Travis pov:
It's still raining outside, it's the middle of fall so I guess that's expected. I can't go to school without coming home drenched causing Kenneth to yell at me for getting mud everywhere. There is no way to avoid him anymore.
This morning I made sure to grab the phone from where I hid it and stash it in my school bag. Once my dad had dropped me off I pulled it out and read the screen.
"Sal: 2 New Messages"
Over the weekend I learned how to use the phone a little so I was able to unlock it with ease. The messages Sal sent read:
"hey! gm!"
"do u wanna come 2 my house after school?"
He wants to hang out with me? Why?
I respond to his message in time for the bell to ring.
"I will ask Kenneth."
Usually my dad is blackout drunk when I get home on school days so sneaking off for a bit shouldn't be a problem.

The day flies by much quicker than I had expected, given the excitement of seeing Sal. I know he probably only wants to have me over to try and protect me or something, still it's nice. I walk out of the building and see Sal and Larry talking outside an open car.
Does Larry still think i'm a jerk?
Sal waves me over to the car as i'm rethinking this whole "hangout" thing. I head towards the car trying not to go to fast or seem eager. I get to the vehicle and notice Larry looking at me, he isnt angry or spiteful at all. He seems almost ... pleased to see me. Very unusual but I guess Sal must have told him what he saw.
"Cmon, let's get a move on!" Larry says, climbing into the drivers seat.
The fact that Larry is driving is scary enough. I climb into the backseat as Larry starts the car. Loud screaming comes from the radio in their car. Covering my ears from how loud it is, Larry takes notice and turns it down a couple notches.
"Sorry, Dude." he says.
"No, No, It's fine. Thanks for turning it down though."
"Yeah, Its no problem." Larry finishes.
"Oh, and I have a few errands to run with todd so i'll just leave you two." He starts as he pulls the car into an apartment complex.
Me and Sal get out of the car and watch Larry pull out of the parking lot. I start to follow Sal into the building, trying to make awkward small talk.
"So, how long have you lived here?" I ask, hoping to start a conversation.
"I think it's been about 3 years now, it's been nice." He says pushing buttons in the elevator.


We get to his room and i'm overwhelmed with how much is going on. There is pictures all over the wall, tapestries on the ceiling, and CD's i'm shelves. Sal takes notice to my awe at the amount of decoration.
"Most of this stuff is just band posters, haha." I can tell he doesn't know what to talk about.
My eyes focus on a section of his room dedicated to a collection of different masks. I think about it for a second before asking:
"If it isn't to personal, why do you wear that mask?" I say.
"Oh." He says, clearly uncomfortable.
"Well, actually it's a prosthetic.." He responds.
"Oh shit.. Are you, Like, Alright?" I ask.
"Well, yeah. What happened was a long time ago."
"Sorry to have asked."
"Oh, no! It's fine, you didn't know." He assures me.
"Is it weird if I ask to see you without it?" I ask.
Silence followed for a long period of time.
"I guess, I'm trying to get more comfortable with that." He replies, reaching towards his prosthetic.
His hands reach the thing when he hesitates for a while.
"You don't have to show me of you don't want to." I say trying to calm him down a bit.
"Thanks, i'm just worried i'll scare you or something" He said.
His hands reached behind his head as I hear clicks. The noise sounded like he was unbuckling something. He takes off the straps to his prosthetic and holds the mask in front of his face. I hear him take a deep breath as he lowers the prosthetic.

His face is covered in scars, which I expected. He has blue eyes and i'm pretty sure one of them is fake. His jaw is very defined and his nose is hooked, like mine. I feel my face burn up, which immediately confused me as it is fall. It's not humid out, why is my face warm? I can feel my stomach swirl the longer I study his face.

"Travis?" He asks, breaking the silence.
"Oh, sorry. I mean, your like really pretty, or handsome, or- ah." I say stuttering as I finish my sentence.
He laughs, my god he laughs. I can see his nose scrunch and his eyes close. He throws his neck back and even snorts a little. I feel the burning sensation come back to my face as he looks back up at me.

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