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"Is something wrong?" Sal asks, fixing his gaze on me.
"Can I feel your face? Or is that weird?" I say, stumbling on every word.
"Wait, what??" he replies with a shocked look on his face. For a silent moment I can see him think about the question. His hand moves towards mine and grabs it. His hands are warm and i'm shocked by the touch. His face is looking down, like he's hiding as he lets my hand go.
"Sal? Wh-" I start to ask before moving his face up so I can see what's wrong..... he's crying? Surprised I move back on his bed before asking him "Woah, dude. Are you okay??".
He wipes his tears on his shirt before laughing and replying "Yeah, Of Course. Sorry, I'm not used to people seeing my face yet. My dad said I should try and get more comfortable but it's still hard you know?".
"I'm sorry if I made you feel that way, you can put your mask back on if you want" I reply as Sal laughs correcting me with: "Prosthetic, and no, I want to be able to do this." He finishes as he reaches for my hand again and guides it towards his face. He lets go and I can feel my palms start to sweat as my finger touches his forehead. I move my finger around his face before gradually cupping my hand around the side of his head, feeling his skin. His scars are really deep, I want to ask what happened but I think that would be rude. Instead, I focus on his eyes, under his eyes are red and moist from crying. They are really blue, he even has hints of green in them. After staring at one eye for what felt like far to long I look at the other. This one looks off, I think he has a lazy eye. Sal notices my confusion and states "If you're wondering why that eye looks weird, it's because it's fake. I have a glass eye."
Surprised my mouth drops, before I can shut it out of embarrassment I hear Sal giggle. I realize this entire time I have been making eye contact with him, hand still coddled around his cheek. I pull away as my eyes widen, was I being weird? I ask myself.
"I should go." I say standing up, I can almost feel Sal's heart drop. I can't feel that but I can see his eyes dull. He's worried. My face is red and I need to go home, am I sick? Why does my face burn? I'll check my temperature when I get home. As I pick up my stuff from his room he asks over and over if I need a place to stay.
"No, it's fine. If my dad finds out I was with you he would probably kill you and me." I reply putting my last item in my bag.
I get up to leave as Sal grabs my hand one last time.
"Call, if you need...." He pauses "Please."
He looks up and I can see the sorrow on his face. I have to look down at him but still, I feel that warm feeling to my face and I push his hand away.
"I'll see you at school." I almost yell as I run out the front door of his apartment still trying to find out why I feel sick to my stomach around Sal. I should see a doctor, this isn't normal. Perhaps the church could tell me? No, I don't need my father knowing about Sal.

I have only ever felt this way once, but that was a crush on a girl. I must be ill in some way, I am going to just sleep it off and it will be gone by tomorrow.

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