i give up on naming chapters dude

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The school day goes by slow as usual, I have tests and assignments that I forgot about the night before and my history teacher has been keeping a close eye on me since seeing me with Sal. I walk into her class, shaking because any wrong move goes straight to my dad, she has eyes like a hawk. I've been restless even since Sal left last night. I've been to his house before, it was quick and uncomfortable. I'm excited to see him again, even if it's only for a little. At this point I don't care what time I come home I just want to spend time with him. He makes me... happy, before we started talking everyday felt like it would be my last. Or rather that it should be. It's nice to have something, someone, to look forward too.
I've known him for years but really knowing him is better than I thought. Last year I had algebra with him, I would look back after every lecture, test, or assignment. Like a routine. He only started looking back after the first quarter, he always seemed focused on something else, like the school's lunch. We made eye contact a lot but I would just look away and curse under my breath. Ever since he comforted me in the bathroom stall on that day, I saw him differently. I couldn't explain it until now, but that was a full blown crush, I just didn't know it.
Even now, new year and new classes I still sometimes turn around to where he would be.
History is boring as always, stuff about the industrial revolution or something. My leg is bouncing up and down, i'm eager to see Sal. I've been avoiding him all day so no one see's us together at school. It's hard since he's the only support I have, but, I get to see him after 7th period. Not history, but, i'm still excited.
The class crawls by slowly as the clock finally reaches 2:31, I can head to my final class now.
I know the route well as we have been in school for a good 4 months, I see Sal when I walk this way. I don't think he has a 7th period. Most of the time I see him with Ash, Larry, and Todd. This time it's the rest of the group minus Sal. That surprised me quite a bit but I just kept walking to class.
Usually the group would ignore me, considering my past with them. This time they don't seem as angry, not talking to me, though i'm acknowledged by Larry. He is probably the only one in the group that knows about my dad because when he gives me a nod hello, the groups eyes follow. At first they seem just shocked. I don't know how they reacted after asI had turned around the corner.
I reach my final class of the day, mostly empty since most of my school only has six periods.
My father has never cared about my grades much, the only time he reacts badly is when I fail. As long as I pass it means nothing to him. He doesn't expect me to get into college, he thinks i'm going to stay in Nockfell with him and continue his stupid cult.
I can feel my stomach filling with anxiety as time passes, i've been seeing him pretty much everyday for two weeks, why am I so nervous? This time doesn't feel out of pity, it feels like he actually wants to spend time with me.


The bell finally rings and i'm first out of the metal door. The school is almost abandoned at this time everyday. Once all of the students flood out of the front doors I hide in a corner and pull out my phone. I tucked it in my underwear this morning on the drive to school. Gross, I know. It's the only place my father won't check without reasonable suspicion.
"Where should we meet?" I text Sal, holding the glass close to my face in order to conceal it better.
"side door?"
"Alright." I reply and shove the phone into the clothes again.
I move down the empty halls and corridors until I reach the side door. By one of the pillars I see a little bit of blue hair. I push open one of the metal gates and push through to the other side. Students aren't supposed to go out this way, so I feel very rebellious right now. Sal hears my footsteps approaching and peeks around the corner, making sure i'm not an administrator.
"Hi!" He says, clearly excited.
"Hii!" I announced, suddenly very aware of how flamboyant I said it.
I can't tell under the prosthetic but I think Sal smiles.
"So, I hope it's alright if I called my Dad to pick us up." He states.
"Yeah, of course. That's fine."
"Ok good, he is on his way already so i'm glad you said that."
"Haha, yeah."
"You have Ms. William, right?"
"Mhm, her test today sucked."
"Fuuuck, I didn't study and I have it tomorrow." Sal says, dramatically gripping his chest and falling to his knees. I laugh at this as he begins to continue.
"I'm so screwed, It's fine though, I have like an 85 in her class right now my grade can take it."
"We will see about that."
"Heyy! I totally got this. Gaslighting myself always works."
"If it always works why do you have an 85 and not an 100?"
"Don't poke holes in my logic, besides, there's always reverse psychology."
"That didn't seem to work when I took it."
"God damnit you're totally right i'm done for."
We both start to laugh as we hear the door behind us begin to open. In a panicked moment we both turn to see a teacher, a member of my father church. Who, somehow has not noticed us.
In a state of panic I pull Sal out of her line of sight behind the pillar I saw him waiting for me at. He knows who the teacher is so he hides without making much noise. I don't realize how close we are to eachother until the teacher gets in her car and pulls out of the parking lot.
My arm is across his chest and we are pressed close together. Once the car screeches away I pull myself off of him, red in the face, butterflies in the stomach, and apologizing profusely.
"Oh my god i'm so sorry, I didn't realize-"
I don't register it at first until Sal doesn't respond.
He's laughing.. not in a mocking way, he thinks it's funny.

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