Chapter 45

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At some point we were awakened by a heavy rain that began to fall on us.

"Shit!" Yeji exclaimed and stood up, rolling me onto my stomach, wet hair getting in my eyes and mouth.

We quickly managed to pack up the things that needed to be finished packing and ran down the hill, with me slipping twice on the grass and falling on my butt.

We climbed into the car, breathing hard, our clothes soaked in rainwater and our hair sticking to our faces.

"This has got to be a joke." I said and she laughed, shaking her head to wring the water out of her hair, before digging into her door pocket and pulling out a pack of gum.

"Do you want one?" She asked and I took one, with her following my actions.

"What time is it?"

"Eleven-thirty. I should get you home before your grandmother has a heart attack."

"She probably had an attack. I still can't believe she didn't really freak out when we told her."

"Yeah, well. I mean, hello!?" She said pointing to herself as she drove, smiling arrogantly.

"See what I mean?" I joked and she pinched my knee, making me squeal.

We arrived home at twelve o'clock. She told me she would meet me in front of my house in half an hour to be on time. When I walked in, Grandma was already screaming, throwing things like the apocalypse was coming.

"You're late! You're going to miss your plane!!!"

"I'm not going to miss it, Grandma. I finished packing yesterday, I just need to take a shower and get dressed!"

"What about breakfast? You can eat on the way, I did-"

"Actually I was wondering if Yeji could give me a ride..."

"Don't be absurd-"

"Grandma, please. I promised her!"

She took a deep breath and looked at me.

"Okay. Okay, but call me as soon as you get there after you land, okay?"

"I will!"

"Now go take a shower and get dressed!" She hurried off and I nodded running up the stairs, almost falling on my face.

I showered, got dressed and managed to pack some last minute things in a record 20 minutes.

"Take this, in case you need anything or if there's an emergency. Do you have your passport? Water? Pillow? Stuffed animal?"

"Yes, Grandma." I groaned, taking the bill and thanked her for everything.

I smiled when I saw her eyes and she looked like she was about to cry.

"George!!!" She yelled before hugging me tightly.

Grandpa appeared in the living room. He smiled sadly when he saw me all packed up and ready to leave.

"You're leaving." He said and hugged me too.

He smelled of coffee and cigarettes, as usual. And my grandmother smelled of detergent and wine. I know I was going to miss those smells.

I cried a little and after Grandma suggested I come next summer, I finally walked out the door. Yeji was waiting for me, her hood over her head to protect herself from the rain, leaning against the trunk.

She took my suitcase and I waved to Seulgi and Mark who were standing in the doorframe of their house.

I got into the car and turned on the heater, waiting for Yeji to get in so we could leave. When she got in and started driving, I couldn't believe I was actually leaving. It seemed like yesterday when I was wearing the Justin Bieber hoodie and seeing Yeji's boner on Yuna's phone.

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