Chapter 15

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"I'm hungry!" Yuna growled from her spot on the floor. She, Lia and Somi were all sitting on the floor talking about useless shit, as was now customary.

"Let's go to Subway" Yeji suddenly suggested and apparently everyone was excited about the idea.

I never ate at Subway before, but I heard about it all the time in movies and stuff. We left our stuff in front of the store at the special place set up for skateboards and bikes.

"God! I could eat this whole place up!" Ningning said as we walked in.

We stood in line and I looked at the pictures on the walls to decide which sandwich to choose and also tried not to think about how many calories were in each one.

As I was contemplating the food I didn't even notice that Yeji was in front of me. Her hand went to the headbang on my head and fixed it.

"Your headband is falling off, Minnie." She joked and I smiled at her genuinely not-so-funny comment or attempt at a joke.

I ended up picking out the first thing I read and we all sat down in a large booth by the wall.

"Your hair is curly." Beomgyu observed as we all ate from our sandwiches.

All eyes were now on me and I had to put my sandwich down because I hated people looking at me while I was eating.

"Yeah." I muttered.

"I like it." She continued and walked over to Yeji, who was sitting next to me by the way and on the other side was Giselle, to touch my hair.

But before he could do so, Yeji grabbed Beomgyu's hand and pulled it away roughly and Beomgyu frowned at the sudden gesture.

"Sorry, my friend.... But I'm trying to eat" Yeji said and bit into her sandwich to accentuate her words.

"Oh, yeah... I'm sorry" Beomgyu said, still confused.

"So... When will you two be fucking around?" Lia interjected and I almost choked on my sandwich.

"What?" I asked as I felt my cheeks heat up.

"You and Beomgyu? You said you wanted to fuck him, so.... When are you two going to fuck?"

"We're not going to do that.." I said and put down my sandwich, my appetite suddenly gone.

This wasn't happening; we weren't going to have a discussion about my sex life in a Subway.

"Why not?" Somi asked as she took a sip of her drink.

"Because I don't want to" I replied simply.

"Auch, baby!" Beomgyu laughed.

"No... Uh... I didn't mean I don't want to, it's just..." I stammered and without knowing why I looked at Yeji with a 'help me' look.

I expected her to join in the teasing but she spoke very seriously when she said:

"She probably don't want to get an STD or something..."

Everyone burst out laughing, except Beomgyu who answered her, passing it off as a joke.

"Look who's talking... Miss Hwang."

Yeji's eyes softened and she looked down at her plate.

That was now being a reminder to me that she's slept with a lot of people and I was surely still on her list.

"So, I heard something about you dancing for the festival" Somi changed the subject, looking at Yuna. And she nodded.

"And Ryujin here could join me too."

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