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A/N: OHHHH, there is plenty of drama coming, the next chapter is already written too, so I'll just have to publish it in a couple days, anyways.. hope this makes up for the lame excuses. Have fun with all the drama guys! Stay put and stay sharp.

I poured myself coffee from the coffee brewer and added sugar. I then made my way to the living room and sat by the window, sipping on my hot cup of coffee. I turned my head slightly and looked at the kitchen table, to fetch for my Marlboro cigarettes. Only to find there were none left.

Fuck, I need to buy some more.

There is no way I'm having my cup of coffee without my cigarettes.

Besides its still hot as fuck, right?

I decided in putting only a hoodie over my clothes and heading out.


After handing the lady the money and getting my Tobacco I made my way out of the store and headed straight home to get back to my hopefully still warm cup of coffee.

As I was closed the door and grabbing my lighter off of the table, I was surprised when I felt a hand on my forearm, pulling me back.

Not knowing who the touch came from, because Mark didn't sleep over last night, I turned away around a just straight up threw a punch at the guys direction.

"Ouch! Fuck!" I heard the figure groaning and I immediately recognized the voice.

"W-what are you doing here?" I asked stuttering with nervousness.

"Well, seeing as my arrival was welcomed I figure that you need a new lesson babe." He said, his voice sounding lower at the last word.

"Get the fuck out! I have a life now you know? How did you find me? Please leave me alone now." I kept shouting and pointed to the door.

"Now now, that's no way to treat your boss." He smirked and came closer to me.

"You're not my boss, you never were actually. You were my brothers boss, he's dead" I cringed at the mention of his death, "so what is this now? You came to get his young sister as a revenge, is that it?"

"Oh but darling, I have no motive for revenge, I simply want what your brother owns me."

"And what should that be?" I wondered.

"I'll give you two weeks, and then I will call you and you will meet me where I tell you exactly. Got it?" He came close and I couldn't step away from him anymore.

"And don't bother changing your number, I'll find out what it is, so you might as well make it easier on yourself and just come to me." He raised his hand to my cheek as to caress it.

"How do you-" I was cut off with a slap to the same cheek he had previously put his hand on.

"If I were you I wouldn't have let those little friends of yours near you, they were the one that gave me your number, do you realize what that means?" He stepped away and watched my reaction.

I simply nodded, being to shocked to do anything else.

"I'll teach you the good manner again baby." He said and left my house finally.

Only one thought ran through my mind, warning me.

You can't trust them anymore.

And the worse thing is that I knew that voice in my head was right.


With that little encounter at my house I missed the first period and am currently late for the second.

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