Habits and Addictions

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A/N: hey guys! Just clearing up some things. So Matt is actually Matty from Skins (the ending seasons) idk don't ask me, I just felt like he would fit the drug dealers profile, sorry not sorry.


I decided that I should go to school today, as I've been missing for 2 days.

But it's not like anyone is worried about me anyways.

Mark stopped coming over after I told him off the first time, and I haven't seen anyone yet, mostly because I've been hanging out with Matty a lot. But now it's time to face the problems and go to school.

I also decided that I shouldn't be late for first period if I'm trying to not be marked absent again.

I quickly made my way over to my car and drove to school with the music on max volume, another habit I got from Matty.

Oh, wow, living the dope life I see Soph. The voice in my head said, reminding me of something that Sammy would say.

"Look who decided to show up, ladies and gentlemen you may not remember, but this is our long lost student, Sophia." Mrs. Carter said amusingly to the whole class.

"Hey, chill, I've only been gone for 2 days, missing me too much I see?" I smirked and took my seat at the end of the class.

"Well, looks like you haven't had that much sleep." Tyler said from besides me.

"What do you mean?"

"You're eyes are slightly pink and you have the hugest bags under then." Ty chucked to himself.

"Well, I've just been getting into some pretty nice shit lately." I said once again smirking.

Tyler knew I smoked, but he also knew my brother used to do heavy drugs.

"You aren't following in his footsteps, are you? Please Phia." He pleaded and turned to face me once again.

"Dude, chill, what's up with everyone today? I'm the one 'emotionally unstable' and you're the ones worrying too much." I put emphasis on the word emotionally unstable.

"I just don't want you to ruin your life."

"Well, his dealer is already after me and knows where I live. So it can't get much worse than that, can it?" I whispered/yelled and turned away from him, hitting my pencil on my notebook.

"What do you mean?" He asked trying to get me attention.

"Phia? Are you in trouble?" He asked again.


I spent the whole day ignoring Tyler, mistreating Marie, Taylor and smoking. I didn't even stepped into the cafeteria when lunch time came around.

I officially achieved mission 'bitchy attitude'. Everyone hates me now. Finally.

I mean, don't take me the wrong way, I really enjoy being friends with them, but I can't exactly trust anyone at the moment. Besides, the less people are around when he comes back in a couple days, the best it is for me and for them.

I just have to set up my emotionless act again. It shouldn't be that hard.

Alright, just one more class and I'll be on my way home.

"Hey Phia, I'm sorry about the way I talked to you before, I mean, it's totally fine if you don't wanna keep on the bet. I get it." Marie said, we had a fight over this before lunch time.

"I'm fine, I should be the one apologizing anyways." I said smirking, "Too bad I won't." I said and changed seats with a kid in the middle of the back row, away from Marie.

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