Chapter 3: Unexpected Problems

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He then leans closer to me leaving only a couple of inches between us.

My breath begins to shake quickly as my heart starts to pump faster than ever before, the butterflies in my stomach begin to flutter rapidly as I can feel Kareem's breath on my ear slowly intoxicating me and slowly suffocating me as he was so close.


You need to keep it halal.

He then whispers in my ear really quietly, "You're gonna have my last name anyways so your current one isn't going to matter."

He's definitely doing a degree in quantum rizzics.

A light laugh is chuckled in front of us as the person turns around.

"Bro relax yourself, she's the daughter of the Khan's - you know, the richest people in this whole city." says Khalid as he laughs at Kareem.

He's the popular guy in my year - mostly because he's the sports captain and me, popular because of my rich family and their reputation - but I like to stay humble, I wanna make my own name and not live off of others work.

I am grateful for what my family has done and how much they benefit and support me but I want to work for myself and feel proud of myself and most importantly, give back to them as a thank you.

I wonder if Khalid's just jealous of Kareem talking with me, after all me and Khalid have been shipped together for quite some time.

Plus I have heard rumours of him actually liking me but I never paid much attention because I couldn't care less as I'm not interested in him at all and it's haram.

Kareem then returns to a much more acceptable position that doesn't have to force me to have the emergency service on dial.

But to my dismay he opens his mouth again and uses
says, "At least I know your last name now. However, Maheen Khan, I think that Maheen Shah will suit you way better in the future. Besides, my family also has quite a big name and since we moved here, we are now the joint-richest family with yours."

He was right, the Shah's have quite a big name too
- that makes the two of us.

I can't wait to tell Jannah about this.

"Alright then class, whilst everyone is busy copying notes down from the boar-" Miss Zaynah says before her voice gets blocked out from my brain as Kareem starts speaking to me... again.

"Shit! We have to write this down?" He asks me all stressed out as he wasn't focusing the whole time.

"Well Mr. Shah, a 40 year old woman is just waffling on about photosynthesis at 9am for no apparent reason to 50 students." I reply to him sarcastically.

Ohh yeah - let's go Maheen, I handled it good once again and added a nickname - real smooth.

He rolls his eyes at me and quickly copies down the notes from my book.

I avert my focus back to Miss Zaynah or in my words a crazy 40 year old woman only to hear her talk about an important project which was worth about 40% of our final grades.

"Now to prepare you for the real world, I'm going to pair you up with people, NOT you picking partners yourself." Miss Zaynah says demandingly.

The room fills with grunts and whining from annoyed students - I am also one of the annoyed students.

"So we'll have Jannah paired up with Azra and then Maheen with Kare-" Miss Zaynah says before the sweet boy next to me starts speaking to me... again.

"Sweet we're together, just like we will be in the future." he says proudly as my eyes widen realising what he had said and hoping that he doesn't notice them bulging out of their sockets.

Unfortunately, Miss Zaynah loses her mind like she does pretty much every other day in lessons.

"KAREEM SHAH AND MAHEEN KHAN STOP FLIRTING WITH EACH OTHER AND START PLANNING YOUR PROJECT - ITS DUE IN FOR NEXT WEEK!" she shouts aggressively at us in front of the whole class, dragging all the attention onto the both of us.

Us being the immature duo; we burst out laughing.


Great now everyone thinks that I was flirting with him and he was flirting with me.

Wait... was he??


My saviour, the glorious bell, rings commencing our favourite time of the school day - break time.

Jannah waits for me outside the classroom and we walk together to the playground outside and sit on our designated table for two.

"Heyyy, how was our first lesson after half-term in university?" I ask her.

"Terrible! I had to sit next to Azra and she kept blabbering on about how her nail polish kept chipping whenever she uses her pen to write with. And even better I have to work with her for the project. I have a strong feeling that I'll be doing most of the work." She says with a hint of sarcasm and a hint of disappointment," Anyways how did you find the lesson?"

"Well it wasn't too bad, considering I sat by the new boy and I think I might have a little crush on him. But don't worry, I know my boundaries and also know that I shouldn't get carried away as it can lead to sinful acts." I say all excited as I begin to blush shamelessly just by the pure thought of him.

"Aww how sweet!! Just keep it halal though." She says whilst sipping on her drink.


My saviour, the bell... or in this case it wasn't my saviour it was more like the miserable bell back again to make our lives worse.

Jannah goes off to her next lecture whilst I have a free period.

I begin to prepare for the test that I have last period today, but of course by having hot chocolate in the library right by the university.


Hope this is going good so far, I still have so much thought out and haven't got anything actually written out yet, please vote - I'd really appreciate it.

Sorry for this chapter being way longer than the previous ones - it was important for me to quickly get the story flowing.

and thank you <3

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