017- Christmas Day

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The curtains in YN's dorm flew open and someone tugged her blanket away from her.

Y/N groaned and mumbled in her sleep, "umm don't-..."

"Wake up, Y/N. You've already slept enough, it's 11 a.m. Just wake up already!" Hermione's scolding voice came from beside Y/N.

"Umm go awayyy!", Y/N muttered and covered her face with her pillow.

"Wake. Up." Hermione started shaking Y/N's shoulders violently, making Y/N to raise her hands in a surrender and sit right up.

"Okay, okay, I'm up." She rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand and took a long lousy yawn.

She looked at Hermione with sleep in her eyes, "Hey there, 'mione. My best friend in the whoooole world." She smiled dreamily and Hermione chuckled in amusement.

"You seem to be in a good mood. Is this related to why you were out all night?" Hermione sat beside her and took a pillow in her lap. She gave Y/N a curious glance and raised her eyebrows in question.

Y/N seemed to think for a minute before answering, "Maybe and maybe not. It depends on your capabilities to keep a secret."

"Oh, you know how good I am at keeping your secrets." Hermione said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Y/N scoffed and said, "Mind you, you were about to reveal my secret just the other day..."

"That was an accident!", Hermione defended. "And you know I would never do something like that knowingly."

"But you did it anyways... Unknowingly." Y/N said.

"I swear it won't happen again. And I promise to bring you a whole box of chocolate frogs."

Y/N started picking at her nails, trying to look uninterested.

"Aaaand I will help you with your divination homework for a week." Hermione continued.

"Hmm.. interesting proposition, Miss Granger. Alright. You've earned my trust" Y/N said with a teasing smile and Hermione grinned.

"Great! Now, tell me all about what happened."

Y/N told Hermione all about her and Harry's late light endeavour to find Peter Pettigrew, how they ran into Snape and how they had to 'fake kiss' to escape Snape's questions...

"Oh my god, I still can't believe you kissed Harry!, Hermione exclaimed with a laugh.

"I know right!" Y/N laughed along with her. "If you had told me yesterday that I would end up kissing Harry Potter, I would've punched you in the face!"

"I thought you were at the library or something, but never in my wildest dreams did I think you and Harry were snogging in the middle of the night." Hermione shook her head, chuckling slightly.

"I know, I know. I'm just as shook as you are." Y/N sighed, and felt her face go hot at the memory of the kiss.

"But Y/N, what about Peter Pettigrew? How did he end up on the map? Isn't he dead?" Hermione's usual brooding expression returned to her face, totally drowning the laughter they were experiencing a minute ago.

"Can't tell you, Hermione. Just know that it will all be clear in the end."

"End? What end are we talking about?" Hermione asked.

"The end of the book, Hermy."

"Don't tell me something is going to happen to Harry!", Hermione squealed and put her hands on her mouth in fear.

"What!? No, Hermione! Nothing is going to happen to Harry." (Atleast not right now) Y/N said and left the last part out for herself.

Hermione's shoulders clearly relaxed and she let out an audible sigh of relief. They both sat there for another minute or two before Y/N got ready to go for breakfast. She put on an oversized blue jumper with black leggings and tied her hair in a loose bun.

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