019- Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw

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"BLOOD!" Y/N, Harry and Hermione jumped violently, so did everyone else in the Gryffindor common room.

Ron's voice was echoing through the entire tower, causing everyone to fall silent. Y/N looked around, alarmed.

"Was that Ron?" she questioned.

"Should we be concerned?" Harry asked in confusion. Hermione was pale in the face, holding Crookshanks tightly in her arms.

"THERE'S BLOOD!" Ron's voice rang from the boy's dormitory once again.

Moments later, he came rushing down the stairs angrily, dragging his bedsheets along with him. The sight made everyone even more confused, but they remained still.

"Ron, what-?"

"LOOK!" the redhead shoved his sheets in front of Hermione's face. Hermione looked terrified.

Y/N slowly looked over and saw a stain of bright red blood on the sheets.

Ron looked outraged.

"SCABBERS! HE'S GONE! AND THERE'S BLOOD!" he shouted in Hermione's face.

Hermione gulped and didn't reply to him.

Y/N understood immediately what had happened. So, she tried to deflect the whole situation, trying to stop Ron from blaming Hermione.

"Um, Ron?" Y/N spoke quietly, "Are you sure, it looks a lot like paint-"

"AND LOOK WHAT I FOUND ON THE FLOOR NEXT TO IT!" Ron ignored her and thrust something onto Hermione's lap.

Y/N and Harry peaked their heads over and saw several ginger cat hairs on the girl's lap.

Hermione's eyes widened and she looked up at Ron. Everyone in the common room was quiet, including Fred and George (who were normally the loudest). Hermione's mouth trembled.

"Ron, it could be a coincidence, I swear I kept him in my dorm-"

"STOP! defending that bloody monster!" Ron shouted, pointing at the purring Crookshanks. "SCABBERS IS DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!"

"It wasn't me!" Hermione was now shouting back at him

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"It wasn't me!" Hermione was now shouting back at him. "I didn't want your rat dead, Ronald-"

"Don't ever talk to me again, Hermione Granger!" Ron spat dramatically. Y/N resisted the urge to roll her eyes at how dramatic Ron was being, just because of that darn rat. Harry's mouth was hung open.

Hermione's eyes filled with tears at the last sentence. She hugged her orange cat tightly in her arms and looked at Y/N for help.

Y/N stepped up for her best friend's rescue at once.

"Really, Ronald?" she scolded. "You're not thinking this through. Don't blame Hermione for this."

"Ron, it's not Hermione's fault, honestly." Harry added quietly, but Ron had already stormed off.

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