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everything in english will be in italics

soohyun was always the one to believe in fate and consequences; not once did she falter in belief for them, but being 23 and no lover nor soulmate in the past, made her belief in such wonderful things slowly disappear.

her brother, han jisung, a member of kpop idol of a world famous group stray kids; had met his soulmate chloe jones, a british, now, 18 year old girl, also soohyun's best friend from back in the day. soohyun wasn't particularly happy to know that her brother got his soulmate before her, but warmed up to it once she realised her brothers' soulmate was her own best friend.

soohyun met chloe when she went to wales as an exchange student for a year in 2020 as a university student. she got paired up with the jones' family, and instantly, an unbreakable bond was made due to the fact that they both were learning each others' languages. their bond has been unbreakable ever since.

chloe has a crecent moon on her right hand thumb muscle, and jisung has the same but on the left hand on his thumb muscle.

soohyun was on the bus on the way to her brothers' company, as she was asked to bring food for the hungry boys, currently in dance practice. she was listening to bbno$'s songs in a random order, looking outside. her daydreaming was cut short when chloe texted the older female.

hi, so.
im coming to korea in a couple of weeks


no, i want it to be a surprise
can you help me, oh dear one?

of fucking course i do!
my dongsaeng will be so happy oh my god
wait- that would be like 13th of
september, right?

yessss, do you want to pick me up from
the airport? also, can i stay at yours for the period of time i'm there?

of course! wouldn't hurt to have girl time
ever since i last visited wales

most definitely! i also mailed over jisung's birthday present, it should arrive in a
couple of days.

alr, i'll keep an eye out for the post office

soohyun got off her bus as it stopped at a bus stop near the company. the security guard let her in, knowing the relation between one of the idols there, bowing in return to the buff male.

after a couple of minutes, the girl arrived on the 7th floor, where the stray kids' dance practice was held in. as she knocked on the door, she came face to face with the groups' youngest member, yang jeongin.

"noona!" jeongin beamed at his older sister figure arriving, and with food. the younger was gonna hug the older, but at the last second, he realised his actions and put his hand around the food package, and took the food.

soohyun knew all about the soulmate contact that initiated it all, due to being traumatized from young age, soohyun came to despise skinship. she didn't mind jisung's touch on her skin, knowing that he had a soulmate and also he was the one to help her out on the unfortunate evening that happened when she was 13.

hugging her brother, that came to hug her as soon as he heard his member say her name. giving her a soft kiss on her temple as a message they've developed over the years, saying 'glad you're here'. soohyun gave her brother a quick one back on his forehead in return.

"noona, what were you up to today?" felix asked the older girl, making small talk with the older and wiser woman. soohyun was slightly caught off guard by her friends' voice, as she frequently forgot the depth of his voice.

"well, i woke up, sadly," the girl said, making her brother hit her arm with a punch and making the others laugh, "i worked out a bit for a couple of hours at the start of the day. then i went for lunch, edited my gym vlog and now im here!"

soohyun was doing a youtube channel full-time, she posted gym vlogs, sometimes videos of stray kids themselves (she got permission from jyp himself), and rarely mukbangs whenever it was her cheat day. "fans" stated at the start that her being siblings with han jisung was faux and that she took videos of them for attention, but instantly shot down the allegations with saying, she wouldn't do that even if her brother wanted her to do so, plus she was backed up by the big man himself.

"but its fine, because im feeling more energized today than ever. now let's eat and i'll join in on your dancing a bit and then go home." she stated, smiling similar to jisung's smile.

they opened the packaged spicy rice cakes and soohyun opened her mothers boxes of homemade kimchi and begin eating. after half an hour of break they clean up after themselves, throw away the dirty containers and begin to copy their dance moves of 'get cool', not before putting down her phone in front of the mirror, turning on the music and started to dance.


"alright. its now 8:20 in the evening. i should get ready to go home and shower. ive got leg day tomorrow." soohyun declared to the group after three hours of dancing, sighing.

the eight males instantly roared in multiple pitched 'no's'. the girl gathered up her belongings. not forgetting her phone here like last time she was at the dance studio. grabbing her coat and water bottle from the tables next to the door. waving goodbye to the boys. closing the door, she got into the elevator, and got out of the company. taking some photos of her and the sky in the process of going home.

once getting home, she put her keys in the bowl on the cabinet located next to her front door. put her coat into the closet where all her outerwear and shoes were, and went into the bathroom to take a shower. after it she dressed up in her pyjamas and went to her desk to upload the photos to instagram and finish up editing the vlog and posting that onto her youtube channel of 3.4 million subscribers. tweeting out with the link of the video and some small words of encouragement, turned off her computer and went to sleep at 10:54pm.

1050 words

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