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everything in english will be in italics

"thank you, for coming soohyun." the detective assigned for the case invited the traumatized girl into his office. "and sir you are..?" the older looked at the male besides soohyun.

"hello, i'm soohyun's younger brother han jisung." he introduced himself, shaking the detective's hand with both of his and sitting down next to his sister and took soohyun's hand to his and held it tightly.

"hello, i'm detective min. i've been assigned to the case given at hand. do you two need anything to drink?" detective min asked the duo, both of them declining, due to one eating breakfast and one refusing to eat overall.

"please, do tell what happened last night." the detective immediately started to pry into the situation. "well, i was producing a track at home, recently being into what my brother and his bandmates are doing daily." soohyun cleared her throat and continued.

"i was really craving strawberry shortcake, i remembered around 2.45am that the 7-11 my friend works at, started selling the triangular version of the cake. i got down and i remember passing both of those alleyways, nothing suspicious was there at that time." soohyun's voice was shaking, jisung took her hand into his, adjusting the hold on the hand.

soohyun teared up, but managed to compose herself. "i took the cake and a drink to the counter. i looked up, i saw that our friend rosie was working there at that time. i heard a almost silent scream but thought nothing of it. i was suddenly also craving ice cream, i went back and took it. i paid for it all, she even gave me a discount for taking care of her soulmate for the years she wasn't around us, to do so." she chuckled at her friends' kind words and actions.

"i headed out, i saw this dude in his mid to late 30s head towards the counter. i heard rosie shout out, 'hey why do you have a knife and a bloody one at that in your hand. don't come close to me.' or something like that. i cant remember. but the moment i turned around, i saw the dude stab my friend, i immediately ran away to my apartment complex and called the police in the process." she reminded herself the bad memories.

"then a woman of our family's favourite restaurant came to the door, she saw me crying on the front steps. i locked the door beforehand and the old woman, came to hug me. soon after jisung and his bandmates came and hugged me. maybe a couple minutes later, the police came." soohyun said, she began to develop a headache, holding her head in her hands. jisung patted her back softly and rubbed right after.

"and what did this man look like?" the detective asked soohyun, "maybe around 186cm, he was on the chubby side. he was wearing all black. denim trousers and a tshirt. he had this uncomfortable looking patchy beard and he had a fading soulmate mark on his right side of neck. thats all i remember." soohyun sat correctly against the back of the chair, looking at the officer.

"thank you, miss soohyun. i know this wasn't easy to talk about, especially when your friend is involved. do rest well, and maybe have friends around you. it'll ease your mind." the officer advised the girl. soon after they said their goodbyes and the siblings went to their dorm where the rest of them were waiting in.

"soohyun? jisung? are you guys alright?" chan immediately jumped on the wagon and checked on his loved ones wellbeing.

"we're alright hyung. i think soohyun will not be participating in todays actions though." jisung said to his older member. everyone looked at soohyun with concerned eyes.

the girl went to jeongin and hugged him tightly, "i really hope they catch the fucker who hurt your soulmate, innie." she cried on jeongin's shoulder, soon the maknae joined. "so you want to go platonically cuddle and cry ourselves to sleep, innie?" the girl proposed.

"yes, bye hyung's. only disturb us when its about food." jeongin told his older members. soohyun wasn't really the person to become attached to someone so quickly, but for some reason, rosie was an exception. maybe because she saw rosie as a little sister she never had.

don't get her wrong, she loved jisung to the bits but sometimes being the older sibling of the two and her dongsaeng was male, did a number on her. she promised herself to protect everyone, even if she wasn't the member, but somehow still failed. she blamed herself beyond what everyone thought.

"alright, rest well guys. do you guys want takeout or make our own?" chan asked ahead for the two so he wouldn't have to feel bad later for not including their wishes.

"i'm craving tteokbokki and pepsi. maybe get that?" soohyun said, jeongin immediately agreed with the older girl. the two said their farewells and went to sleep in jeongin's bed.

the rest of the group being worried for them, was an understatement. worried for jeongin's health and happiness, him being the youngest of the 8 had his pros and cons. he loved his hyungs, he thought of them as his extended family, but sometimes his members went a bit far, he understood their concern and was thankful for it all.

in jeongin's and jisung's room both of them are cuddling under jeongin's covers after pushing jeongin's and her brothers beds together for the limited time available. "do you think rosie will be alright?" jeongin cried softly into his noona's shoulder. "i believe so, rosie is a strong girl even if i've known her for a short period of time." the girl holding jeongin calmed the boy down over time.

"so- i'm making a song, for chan. do you want to make a song together after it?" the girl proposed to the youngest. "whats your concept, if you have one?" he asked, he was beyond happy that his noona asked that, jeongin knew soohyun was trying to take his mind away from his soulmate in the hospital at the other side of seoul.

"it's like this floaty, fantasy, fairy-tale like concept. i know it doesn't fit me, but i wanted to try something new." the girl giggled, "also the concept to me is like a shot to the past and nostalgic in a way. i fell like you fit well with it all." she added to the previous statement.

"yeah, sure. maybe we can ask twice noona's help." jeongin proposed, soohyun humming as an answer. "yeah, im almost half-way through my song. chan and i have barely started with the track due to some unfortunate events but i believe in no time we'll be back on track." the girl said.

soon both, jeongin and soohyun, fell asleep in each others embrace not taking a chance in losing one another so they held each other tightly.

1138 words

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