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everything in english will be in italics

soohyun almost immediately ran towards her apartment complex. when running there, she saw a barely breathing woman on the ground with no clothes on and blood all over her, hair messed up beyond no tanglement.

she called the police as soon as she got into the complex and locked the door.

"i have to call the boys." soohyun scrambled to find her and her friends' group chat. instantly calling the chat.

"hey, soohyun. why are yo-" it was the leaders' tired voice.

"shut up, uh-" soohyun soon heard all of the call connecting sounds she needed to hear. "okay. fuck, i was making a song. got hungry. went to the convenience store rosie works at. before, completely normal. in the store, heard a scream, thought nothing of it. continued shopping. when going out. this dude came in and had a bloody knife in hand." soohyun scrambled over her words, not making sense to anyone.

"okay, calm down. take a breath. what's wrong? who had a bloody knife and where?" jisung tried to calm down his older sister.

"FUCK!" she screamed, "come to the convenience store where rosie works at. she got stabbed and there's a possible corpse next to the store. please." she heard the whole call go quiet. soon jeongin's sobs and hurtful breathing followed, "please. i dont care if you come in pyjamas, just please fucking come." she sobbed out, "im in the hall of my apartment complex, the door is locked. i called the police. jisung, you have the key for the door. please hurry." soohyun ended the call and sat down, on the lower steps.

"honey, what's wrong?" the kind halmoni from her and jisung's favourite restaurant came to the door, hearing soohyun's cries and screams. "halmoni, i saw 2 murders happen. i called the police and my friends. they'll be here soon. "she stumbled over her words, getting hugged by the elder woman.

in this moment, the girl didn't mind the skinship of another person since she knew she can trust the elderly woman. soon the front door to her complex flew open after being fumbled with and there stood jisung and his band mates.

"thank you halmoni, please go back. we'll make sure she'll be fine." jisung said to the elder woman, hugging his sister tightly.

soohyun sobbed into her brothers shirt, scared for her friend and the random woman. soon they heard multiple sirens come closer. the girl knew it was time to go out and tell the police what happened.

upon getting out, shaking in jisung's hands and wiping her, now smeared with make-up, face with a tissue free from tears and snot. "will you be okay?" the girl's brother asked her. comforting and rubbing his sisters back in hopes to calm her.

"yeah, i will be." the group went towards the now fenced off alleyway and convenience store. she could literally, hear, everyone's hearts shatter when the body from the alleyway was brought out, white clothing covering the poor woman. soon after she saw medics bring rosie out on a stretcher. 4 medics around her, one on top of her body, trying to stop the bleeding.

"are you han soohyun?" one of the officers came towards the group, seeing the girl shaking and teary eyed in a mans hands. she nodded, "yes that's me." the policeman nodded and begun to ask questions.

"i'm sorry, but we couldn't save the woman in the alleyway. the girl in the convenience store is another story, so far and how much we know, she will live." the policeman explained to the group, jeongin fell onto the ground, happy tears falling from his eyes, older members of the band hugging the youngers body and giving reassuring pats on the back.

"do you remember or know how the person looked like?" the policeman looked at the girl after taking his eyes off the younger boy on the ground.

"yes, is it okay if we go somewhere, i can sit down?" soohyun asked the police officer. the male agreed and walked with soohyun and her brother, who was still holding her tightly, not to drop his unstable sister.

"he looked to be in his mid to late 30s. the dude was chubby." soohyun sniffled her nose, rubbing her tears with the tissue she had. "he had a simple black tshirt and black jeans on. he also had a soulmate mark on his right side of neck." soon the rest of them made their way over the girl in tears.

jeongin came to her side and hugged her tightly, making jisung take away his hands from the girl, but still having his eyes on her. "it was fading, maybe his lover was dying and he had to take away his frustration on someone? he also had a patchy but scruffy beard. i cant remember anything else though, i'm sorry." soohyun broke down once again, being sad that she couldn't help any more.

"don't worry about it. what if you come to the station tomorrow around 2pm and that way we can get your official statement?" the policeman stated, soohyun was more than happy to do so. if it meant finding her friends' potential murder and putting him behind bars, she'd do anything.

"thank you for this, soohyun. i believe it must've been hard to talk, you're a brave woman. let's talk tomorrow. take care of yourself for tonight, alright?" the police officer told her and bid goodbye to the group.

soohyun let out a deep breath she was, unbeknownst to her, holding in. "oh my god. my ice cream is possibly melting." she said making the group chuckle, "you just went through traumatic and you're worried about your ice cream?" minho asked her, the girl only smiled sadly at the cloudy sky. "of course. who wouldn't." she giggled.

once again, letting out a sigh. "there goes my calm evening. oh well. at least rosie is now safe." she said, her back came in contact with her brothers' stomach, looking up at him smiling. jisung put his hands around her face in a protective manner and kissed her forehead, "i'm glad you're safe and called the police immediately. i don't know what i would've done if he also stabbed you." jisung let a few tears loose, all of them landing on soohyun's cheeks.

"i think he had the intention to hurt me as well, but i was already far from the convenience store. i cant help, but worry for rosie." she said and closed her eyes, her intention was to close them momentarily, but they stood closed. soon her calm breathing followed indicating, she fell asleep

1085 words

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