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everything in english will be in italics

couple of days after chan and soohyun found out they were soulmates, it was hectic. the boys demanded answers from the two, how it happened and so forth.

it was also hectic, because soohyun finished editing the song with chan's help. of course the woman didn't let chan hear the lyrics she had mustered from the corner of her brain. in a couple of minutes, soohyun started to film the video for the song; of course with the help of jeongin.

"noona, you know we could've just asked some cameramen to help us." jeongin told the older after struggling with the small camera he was holding.

"i know, but then i'd have to ask jyp for permission and then he would ask why and i'd have to say for a music video and then he'd pry more and then me, and possibly chan, would have to come out and say we're soulmates. and i dont know 'bout you honey, but i dont want to spoil my surprise for him." soohyun said, finishing small little touches on her makeup and hair.

standing up, she smiled at the youngest with a similar smile to jisung's. "aish, fine. do you think we'll finish this today?" jeongin asked, explaining he had made plans with rosie and hyunjin with his soulmate.

"yeah, but to be honest; it all depends on the wind." she chuckled, heading to the roof of jyp building. they decided to do it there, due to the wind, because then the wind would be a paid actor. soohyun's words, not mine. "i'm gonna be in couple of shots though, rest of them are small videos of me and chan."

"noona, you're whipped. stop it, or i'm gonna have to start wasting your pension money in a couple of days, having children is due any day now because you're so old and act like you're married." jeongin laughed, running up the stairs before stumbling and soohyun reaching out and getting a hold of the youngers' ankle, making him fall and right after getting up and helping him up, not forgetting to apologise.

the girl took out a speaker from her hoodie pocket, turned it on; quickly chose the song from her phone and turned to jeongin before pressing play, jeongin turning the camera to film mode in the process.

- woahhh time skip for the first time -

after getting some good shots at early sundown and wind being a main character in soohyun's video, jeongin and soohyun went their separate ways. soohyun's phone vibrated in her back pocket. taking it out, she saw it was her brother.

[soohyun is italics and jisung is bold]


"noona? are you and jeongin done for today?"

"yes. he and hyunjin made double date plans so we had to end, plus it was getting dark."

"okay, do you want to drink with me and chloe? maybe give us a sneak peak of your song?"

"uhhh, i'm not sure. i want to, but i have to start putting it all together"

"oh please! chan wont be there, he's probably gonna be in the gym with changbin and seungmin anyways."

"alright. take felix and minho with you guys, otherwise they'll be alone all evening."

"alright, i'll ask. but i'm sure they're gonna be in the dance studio."

"okay, no worries if they decide to do so, your comeback is around the corner anyways"

"okay, i'll hang up first"

after transferring the clips to her pc and saving them right after. she turned her computer off and going to her pantry in the cold, taking out her alcohol. soon after soohyun heard a knock on her front door, letting jisung and chloe in. she let the pair in and closed to door behind them.

"soohyun, is there a chance you can let us hear the song?" jisung asked batting his eyelashes at his older sister. the girl looking at him with a side-eye, "the fuck?? no. maybe after a couple of bottles of soju. and that's a massive maybe."

the trio sat down in the girls' living room, chloe turned on the olders girl tv and went to youtube to put on music. she put on xdinary heroes and stray kids' playlist. "to be honest chloe, if i didn't know better. i'd say you're in love with gunil." soohyun said, making chloe giggle and jisung groan.

"what can i say, he's super talented. his lyrics for "good enough" really touch my soul and the music to it is beautiful. gunils' voice is smooth and sounds amazing in xh's songs, and his drumming is just.. wow." chloe took a breather, holding jisung's forearm. "it inspires me. he's also got nice muscles, and he seems so kind and genuine." the only male in the room groaned.

"when will you compliment me like that?" jisung tugges his head backwards, finding comfort in his head against the end of the couch he made himself comfortable on.

"when you grow balls to kiss me first." chloe boasted back, making her and soohyun laugh out loud. jisung groaned once again, got up and kissed chloe on the lips. after they distanced themselves from each other, chloe stood there while soohyun grabbed jisung in a headlock.

"how dare you do it in front of me?! you're so mean!" soohyun shouted in her brothers' ear, making jisung flinch immediately. the older girl unhooked her arm from jisung's neck and started to tickle him.

chloe hearing a knock on the front door, she went to open it. the siblings not hearing it, they continued their antics. upon opening the door she saw chan there. "oh! hi chan! are you here for soohyun?"

"hi chloe! yes! is she busy or can i come in?" chan asks the familiar girl hesitantly, hearing laughter and painful groans come from his members' mouth, distant pleas for help.

"ah no no, do come in! we three were gonna drink a bit. if you want to, you're more than welcome to join us!" chloe told the leader.

as soon as soohyun saw her soulmate, she released jisung from her torture of tickling and went towards her lover, "thank god channie hyung came here. i don't think i would've lasted any longer." jisung sighed, taking a hold of his soulmates hand, hugging chloe, afraid of his sisters' "abusive" touch.

"hi honey, how are you?" chan asked his lover, hugging her tightly.

"i'm good, just a bit tired. i want to drink, i know you don't drink, but maybe you want to be my company?" she asked, taking her hands from chan's waist and taking a small swig of her soju. "sure. i have nothing else to do anyways."

"soohyun was gonna show us her song!" jisung shouts, apologising when he realises it was a bit loud. "what! no! i can't! no one can hear it. not until i've released it." the older girl says defensively.

she can't show it, at least not right now. not when chan is here. it would ruin it all. she can't fuck up everything, not when she finally has it all.

1158 words


i may take a small break due to running out of chapters to publish lol
idk when i'll be back but hopefully soon :)

also bc 5 star is around the corner. shits bouta go down frr

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