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everything in english will be in italics

"ahh hyung, is soohyun gonna come any time soon?" jeongin asked jisung in the recording room as they were reviewing the vocals they had recorded minutes prior.

"no, not until later, after we're done. she has a busy day today with her having to do cardio and having to edit her video. so i suppose she'll come around 9 or so." jisung explained to his youngest member,"she did mention tomorrow is her cheat day, due to it being sunday." adding at the end after looking back at his and his older sister's messages.

chan being the sneaky leader he is, he over heard his younger members' conversation. now chan and soohyun had some history due to jisung being in 3racha before debuting in stray kids. but he'd be lying if he declined of not having the smallest of crush on his brother-like members' older sister.

he thought soohyun was the most breathtaking woman, he loved how sometimes the sun cascaded on her skin when walking around seoul as a group, or the fact how her eyes lit up when talking about her loved ones. he loved seeing soohyun's smile as if it was the most amazing thing in the world that needed protecting. he loved how soohyun had a mole right on her right eyelid and left side of her lower lip.

he loved how soohyun seemed so small next to him even though they had 10cm height difference. he loved how she smelled of strawberry and vanilla, not being able to breathe around her. the toxicating smell every time she was around. chan absolutely adored her sense of humour and how her laugh made his heart stop as if it was the greatest thing he ever heard.

safe to say he was head over heels for her, even if he says, he has a small crush on her. every time they came to close proximity to one another, they both would turn red, soohyun nipping on her lower lip out of embarrassment and chan touching his ears. he felt as he was on top of the world and nothing could stop them from hate.

he and soohyun have exchanged messages from time to time but not nearly enough to what he's like.


it was 9:27pm, soohyun arrived a couple of minutes ago; just when they all finished the tracks and editing. as soon as she came, she had to leave with jeongin for coffee from a nearby convenience shop. they asked beforehand from the others what they'd want and summed all of their answers up into a list. arriving at the store, they picked out coffee flavours and the (if needed) ice cups, a couple bags of crisps, some ice cream and they went to the counter.

as jeongin was gonna put down the items on the counter, his and the cashier's hands met, making them both stop and look at each other. a flower tattoo appeared on both of their wrists, one was up right and the other was upside down.

he was met with the most gorgeous black and bright pink haired girl ever who had beautiful blue eyes, clearly a foreigner. as soon as their eyes met, a feather fell into the view of their eyes, widing in realisation.

jeongin looked at the blue and pink coloured feather, coated in soft gold accents that had both of their full names written in calligraphy in awe, soon after the shops clerk's nametag, "rosie, thats a pretty name" he said unconsciously. the girl immediately blushed, thanking the male, "my name is yang jeongin," he continued. while all of this was going on, soohyun texted the group chat

sTrAy KiDzEu




wow, who would've thought the maknae would be the second to find his soulmate

they grow up so fast oh my god

@/hyunjin at the convenience shop, near the company. her name is rosie, she's so pretty oh my god im so jealous

lets just hope, he wont fuck this up lol

ya, minho! have some faith in the poor man lmaooo
no but same, i lowk feel bad for the girl lmao

soohyun, minho dont be rude to in oh my god

how is he doing?

mans actually making progress, rosie keeps getting shy and smiling. god this is awful to watch from next to them

is that how you also felt when i meet chloe?

it was worse but yes, basically lol
it was horrid

soohyun, i forgot to add. can you get me tuna bibimbap and random milk?

sure, anything else?

nope. others also said to come quickly.

alr mate

as soohyun came back to the counter with felix's extra orders, whining about how her bank account will be in the negatives, she looked at the two newly lovebirds and mentally gagged. "alright! jeonginnie, this is it. i'll pay." the younger people snapped out of their dazes as soohyun started talking, rosie looked at the girl she didn't realise was there, apologised for the inconvenience and started to scan their items, "that will be 50,750₩, will it be cash or card?" soohyun took her card from her back pocket, "card please, also do you speak english? i realised that your korean is a bit shaky and i can see that you're not really comfortable." she declared smiling at the foreigner.

"ahh yes, i'm originally from ireland so my korean isn't that perfect yet, i've been learning for 8 months now though" she explained, soohyun nodded in understanding, "i forgot to introduce myself. hello! im han soohyun, im jeongin's bandmates' older sister" she initiated the handshake between the two. jeongin immediately taken back with the older female's skinship with a stanger.

the trio exchanged numbers, and the two koreans went back to the company, jeongin putting his feather behind his right ear, as it was custom when someone met their soulmate, signifying a start of new love.

when they got to the dorms, due to the other members walking there, poor jeongin was immediately bomboarded with questions like 'was she pretty?' 'did you exchange numbers?' and so forth.

1019 words

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