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everything in english will be in italics

after a couple of hours, soohyun was woken up by a smell of tteokbokki and kimchi. she got herself from the maknae's tight hold, accidentally waking him up in the process. "oh, i'm sorry for waking you. i just smelt food." the girl said.

"they got tteokbokki i think, from the smell." she added at the end. her stomach growiling after not eating for almost 48 hours. "let's go, i know both of us are very hungry." she took the youngest hands and went to the dining room.

"hi." soohyun entered the room with jeongin and they both sat next to each other. "hi sleepyheads, the food just got here, take your time eating it since you haven't eaten in a bit and your stomachs are sensitive." minho said caringly, worried for his dongsaengs. even if soohyun was almost as old as minho, he still treated her as his younger sister.

"yes, sir." the girl sat in the seat. taking her portion of tteokbokki and began to eat, from time to time drinking pepsi, especially gotten for her, and taking kimchi from a side dish bowl near them.

"jeongin, the hospital called. visiting hours are from 9am to 6pm. i'll talk to our manager and maybe he'll let you go with soohyun to the hospital tomorrow so the both of you can finally sleep well." chan said to the youngest, his eyes immediately lighting up with happiness and hope. you could literally feel happiness radiating off him, as if he did a full 180 in the matter of a millisecond.

"okay! noona! eat well! we have a special person to see!" jeongin shouted, making the whole table laugh. "okay! should we get her a gift?" the girl asked, "yes! we should get like a cake or some muffins!" the youngest thinking hard after soohyun's proposal, "felix!" soohyun shouted, making the said male jump. "can you make your brownies for tomorrow?" soohyun asked the freckled aussie in english.

"sure! i'll make a double batch just so we at home can have some also, i haven't made them in a couple of weeks due to being busy so i may have lost some touch to it all." the male answered, also in english."mate, it's alright. you're lee felix. the brownie master! i believe you can do it!" soohyun shouted, clapping her hands and continuing to eat making the table roar in laughter.


"rosie~" soohyun called to the hospitalised girl, as soon as she stepped a foot into her room after knocking. putting down the brownies baked by felix, going to hug her dongsaeng.

"unnie!" rosie was happy to see her older sister smiling, "innie!" she broke down crying as soon as she saw her soulmate. both of them being very lovey dovey with each other. "okay okay, stop it. im feeling uncomfortable. maybe wait until i'm gone." soohyun said, making the two lovers giggle.

soon, a doctor stepped into the room where the trio were talking and laughing to stories. "hello, i'm doctor kim taemin. i've been taking care of rosie. and you are?" the tall male said bowing and giving the two 'newcomers' a handshake.

"hello, doctor. i'm han soohyun. their somewhat guardian since i'm older than them. and this is yang jeongin, rosie's soulmate." the older girl explained to the doctor.

"nice to meet you, well- good news. rosie can be discharged in a week, but we do have to keep an eye on her in the time being. i'm sure your leader told you that the visiting hours are from 9am to 6pm everyday." the doctor said, making the trio exclaim in happiness.

"yes, thank you for everything that you've done so far." soohyun thanked the doctor, doctor kim asked rosie some wellbeing questions, checked her iv and soon after left. "well, lovers. i do have to leave, don't do anything i wouldn't do." soohyun said to the duo. getting farewells, she soon exited the hospital.

the girl got a call, she didn't bother checking the caller's id, soohyun soon found out it was chan."hi, soohyun! are you free right now?" said male asked the girl, "hello to you too. i am indeed free right now, jeongin's in the hospital, i think until 6pm with rosie." she said, chan only hummed in confirmation.

"okay, do you want to come to my producing room and maybe start on the track?" chan proposed to the girl. "sure, do you want anything from the store nearby? i'm a tad bit hungry since i didn't eat any breakfast." the girl asked to leader.

honestly, she was scared shitless to go alone to a convenience store due to a certain recent event; but this was something she had to suck up and go on with her life, if she wanted a normal life that is.

"sure, maybe get some honey butter almonds and some crisps?" the male asked from his crush, he loved hearing soohyun's voice so he took any chance he could get, and call his crush.

"okay, i'll be over in like-" she checked the time on her phone, "30 minutes. i have to rush to a bus stop and then to a store then. see you." chan said his farewells and soohyun went to a convenience store nearby. her palms immediately getting coated with a thick layer of sweat.

maybe she wasn't over of the whole ordeal as much as she thought she was. she quickly went to the crisps section and took some packs of her and chan's favourite crisps. not forgetting his special order of honey butter almonds, he has lately become to love. with haste, she went to the drink section and took a 2 litre of pepsi max, mainly for her, and went to pay.

when starting to leave the store, she came across a man, not any man. the man who killed a woman and attempted to kill her friend. soohyun tried to make no expressions. as soon as she turned the corner, she called detective min and told that the man who tried to kill her friend is here, she gave him the store she was at.

soon after, detective Min came with a police car, went inside of the store. she could hear ruckus being made from inside, and a while later, the policemen and detective min came out with the male in handcuffs.

"thank you, soohyun. this means a lot. please rest assured we've got him, and he can no longer do harm." the detective assured the girl. soohyun thanked the older man and went to jyp.

1082 words

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