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everything in english will be in italics

the group of 11 were at the boys' dorms after their celebratory dinner at the restaurant. it was late at night and they decided to have a film night. the boys went to their rooms to change.

chloe and rosie went with jisung and jeongin to the duo's rooms to take off their make up and change. soohyun went into the boys shared 2nd bathroom to get rid of her make-up that had already started to smear on her face due to moving around, dancing and excessive laughing and singing during the dinner.

the girl soon realised she didn't have any clothes even though she slept over a lot at the dorms. she went to jisung's room knocking, upon entering she saw both of the couples who were supposed to be taking off their makeup, making out instead.

"oh my god! get a room!" soohyun shouted at the two pairs, immediately exiting, upon seeing their actions.

"we are in our room! dont come in without knocking!" jisung shouted from the now closed door."i did! it seems like you guys are busy sucking your soulmates' faces that you didnt hear, oh my god the audacity." soohyun boasted back at her brother.

the disturbed girl went to the couch in the living room and sat on the couch, immediately surfing on her phone."whats with the long face, soohyun?" chan came from behind her.

the girl jolted up,"oh my god, you scared me. you're so quiet when walking. jisung and jeongin were eating their soulmates' faces. i happened to walk in on them,"soohyun shrugges at the accident."i just wanted to borrow my brother's clothes, but i suppose thats not possible now." the girl slumped against the back of the couch.

"oh, i can give you mine if you want?"chan proposed an idea to soohyun. she didn't want to accept it because she was afraid of having accidental skinship and she wasn't that comfortable with suddenly and possibly finding her soulmate, even though she has been dreaming of finding her own person.

but not having to be in a skimpy dress for the rest of the night sounded amazing to her,"sure. just leave the clothes on your bed. i'll be there in a minute."soohyun agreed to the idea. she was blushing and thinking about being in her crush's clothes. it has happened before, but it was years ago, predebut time.

its been years since it happened, so it shook soohyun to the core with butterflies. she couldn't stop giggling and thinking about it. the more she thought about it, the more she liked it. as soon as she got up, she had a small pep in her step.

heading to chan's room she stumbled upon a conversation, she didn't mean to hear, soohyun couldn't make it out who it was due to the closed door.

"do you like her?" one voice asked.

"of course i do, but i dont know how to start." another whined back. a bed creaked, signaling that they were either sitting or laying on the bed.

"well, maybe ask her out, but don't initiate any skinship before you know that they like you back, hyung" so it was a younger talking to the older person?

"ahh maybe, but minho i dont know how and where to start from. it may take even months until i'm certain she likes me back." she made the connections, it was chan.

soohyun went into the room where her crush's clothes were in. 'chan has someone he likes..?' she pondered, looking at the floor.'i wonder if they're kind. as long as chan is happy with her, it shouldn't matter. yes! i should maybe move on from him, let him and his future lover live happily.' soohyun somberly changed her clothes, went into the bathroom to freshen up, splash water on her face to clean all of the tears.

she went out, put her dress on one of the dining room chairs to take with her tomorrow. soohyun went back to the couch and started to write future mukbang ideas into her notes app. a couple of minutes later she saw the two oldest come out of the room. as soon as her and chan's eyes met, her eyes adverted back to her phone. hoping to not be noticed by the man himself.

"where is everyone sleeping?" jeongin asked coming out of his and jisung's room with their lovers.

"we have a lot of blow up mattresses, maybe we could set them up in the living room after moving the couch?" chan remembered their 9 matresses in the closet above the front door."i bet they've been collecting dust in the closet anyways." the leader said, making a couple of them chuckle softly.

"yeah, let's get them. hyunjin help changbin. use a chair or something to get to them easier." chan ordered the buffest and the tallest of the group.

"yah! hold the chair! i'll fall!" hyunjin whined, suddenly scared of the small height he was off the floor.

"stop being a drama queen and maybe then i'll help!" changbin boasted back to his dongsaeng. taking the first couple of matresses from hyunjin, the tallers chair immediately started wobbling as soon as changbin took his hands off it.

"yaaaa!! i'll fall! hold the god damn chair!" hyunjin screamed, trying to hold his balance steady.

"you gotta deal with it! i cant hold the chair when im taking the matresses!" changbin slapped his dongsaeng's leg.

"stop hitting me, hyung! i'll fall if you continue!" hyunjin whined to chanbin. the others laughing at the bickering of the two whilist taking unfolding the blow-up matresses.

"then stop whining and looking at me. take the rest of the matresses out!" changbin roared, shouting at changbin.

"hyung, i'll fall!" hyunjin screamed. soohyun stopped helping others with blowing up the matresses and went to hold hyunjin's chair.

"there. i'll hold your chair and changbin can take the mattresses, so please for the love of god let's get this over with, im so tired." soohyun shut the two up and making them immediately get to work.

1024 words

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