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everything in english will be in italics

after a couple of hours of grinding on the girls' future song track, soohyun and chan decided to take a break. "oh my god, it's already 3am." chan gasped at soohyun's sentence, "ahh, im so hungry. do you want to go to a petrol station and get food?" the girl agreed to go, realising how hungry she was.

"actually, let's get delivery. i cant be asked to move right now, due to the fact that im exhausted." soohyun yawned, picking up her phone looking at the group chat. she chuckled at the worried messages by her brother and his band members.

shooting back a message of confirmation of their well-being. "what are you hungry for?" chan asked, looking up to the girl, immediately his heart tugging at his heartstrings. soohyun wiped her eyes free of tiredness and softly giggling at her phone.

"im feeling burgers and iced lemon tea" soohyun answered the leader, making eye contact as soon as her head raised towards the male. "what?" soohyun looked at him, smiling widly at the eye contact. "nothing, you're just really pretty in this lighting." chan answered.

they were sat in chan's room, the male decided to decorate his room with led lights, this time it was light pink; due to soohyun's wishes. chan was more than happy to turn the lights pink, he'd do anything to make the girl happy.

"add chocolate to that, i have a sudden need for chocolate." soohyun added to her order, making a mental note to pay the male back in the future.

after chan paid the bill in his phone he turned to soohyun, "do you have lyrics or do you need some help?" he asked the girl, "no no, no need. i asked jeongin for help. you're doing more than enough with the beat already." she assured chan, making him sigh.

"if you say so. it's good that we're almost done with the beat." he said, going over with the track with soohyun briefly. after 20 minutes, chan got a call from the delivery man saying he arrived. the male went down to the ground floor.

coming back, he saw soohyun sit behind his computer. "did you add something?" chan asked the girl, he loved how his crush of 7 years, is doing something he loved, made it into an interest of hers. he just found more and more ways how to love soohyun.

"yeah, but it's a surprise for when the song comes out." she giggled looking up at the male in front of the door, after he closed it. "i'm honestly surprised, i could make a small 10 second end beat in a matter of 5 minutes." taking her burger in a styrofoam box, following by her lemon iced tea and chocolate.

"i'm proud of you!" his encouragement comments make soohyun's stomach vibrate with butterflies, "thank you" she blushed. her cheeks immediately turning red.

soohyun loved how chan made her feel, but her trauma held her back. "do you think, you'll ever touch someone romantically?" chan's question took her off guard, "i mean, maybe. i'm not sure though. it all seems scary and in distant future." the girl spaced out, not noticing chan's worried eyes on her face.

"if you dont mind me asking, what actually happened?" chan asked the girl, she shuddered at the thought of her childhood trauma that happened in her younger years. "of course. you don't have to if you don't want to." chan reassured her.

soohyun sighed, "i suppose, someone else besides my brother has to know just in case." she spaced out once again, thinking of her words. " when i was around 13 or 14. i met this dude, called heoji. he uh, he was 18. i was dumb and didn't know what grooming was. i met him at a small neighbourhood party." she thought back to the night, tearing up at the trauma.

"we hit it off amazingly. he and i got really close quickly. he one night asked me to go over to his place. me and him sat on his couch, decided to watch a film. he started to put his hands on my thighs, i said no multiple times and told him to stop it, because i didn't feel comfortable."

soohyun's voice shook with tears and sobs stuck in her stomach. "he said he liked me romatically. heoji laid me on his couch, and he... uhm.." soohyun choked out sobs. "you don't have to continue if you don't feel comfortable. tap out if you don't want to talk about it." chan said, tearing up at the pain he felt for the girl.

"no, it's fine." she took a deep sigh and continued. "he started to sexually harrass me. sadly, i didn't have any luck, and i had to live through it all. he after confessed his feelings to me, i rejected him and after hearing me reject him; he started beat me and sexually harass me all night." she sobbed.

chan, couldn't resist anymore and hugged soohyun in hopes to comfort her. soon, they both saw it. blue and green coloured feathers fall in front of their eyes. right after they felt pain behind their left ears.

they couldn't take off their eyes of the feathers in both of their laps. chan looked at the girl in adoration, but when their eyes connected he saw fear in soohyun's eyes. "no- why-" she started having a panic attack.

scratching at her throat, feeling like everything's falling apart and claustrophobic. tears surfaced her eyes. she stood up, coughing in hopes of regaining her ability to breathe, "soohyun, calm down." chan looked at her in worry, feeling his break at his soulmates' pain.

holding soohyun's forearms firmly, but still giving her the ability to take her arms from chan's grasp. the girl felt she needed the reassurance, soohyun fell into chan's hold; hugging his torso, feeling like everything's going back to normal and being able to breathe again.

"are you okay?" chan asked under his breath, the girl still hearing him, she nodded trying to calm down. "i'm sorry. it all suddenly got too much for me." she closed her eyes and took deep breaths, trying to calm herself further.

"it's okay if you don't want go for it right now." chan spoke after a couple of minutes, looking down at his new soulmate in his arms. "please, wait for me. i want to get accustomed to it all." she looked up to chan; seeing only love in his eyes, as if his eyes had truly turned into hearts.

"of course. anything for you, darling." chan looked at soohyun, smiling. he put the, feather laying on soohyun's lap, behind his right ear. as soon as he touched her hair, both of them felt slight stinging behind their left ear.

"oh! can i look behind your left ear?" chan asked the girl, his gut feeling giving him very hopeful feels. she nodded, chan pushed her hair away, as soon as he did so. he saw a four leaf clover behind soohyun's left ear.

"oh my god. i have to take a photo of it." chan took his phone from his trousers' pocket and took a photo. he showed it to soohyun, and he saw how her teary eyes turned into adoration in a second. "i love it, its so cute." she took the phone from chan's hands and smiled at the thought of having her dreams filled, despite her fears.

"may i kiss you?" chan took soohyun out of her trance, she looked up to him. the male having literal heart eyes. if she didn't know better, she would've thought hearts were truly chan's eyes.

instead of answering, she closed the gap between both of their lips. its as if the fireworks for 4th of july exploded between both of them. the intimacy made both of them deepen the kiss. chan's hands traveled down to soohyun's waist and she put her hands on his cheeks; soon after falling asleep on the couch in chan's room.


"i hope hyung and noona haven't done anything risky yet." one of the two boys said walking towards their leaders' room.

"yeah, but who knows what happened. maybe they're asleep or producing. soohyun noona has been interested in making music lately." the older said.

"really? she's literally chan hyung 2.0" both of them cackled under their breaths, "for sure! i'll go crazy if they dont realise their feelings for each other soon." both of them groaned at the thought of their two 'leaders'. it infuriated the whole group but said nothing around them.

as the two came face to face with chan's door. they knocked and entered the room, not expecting the sight they saw.

"what-" jisung looked at the sight in front of him. his sister cuddling his leader, with blue and green feathers, behind their right ears.

"hyung, what is it? oh-" jeongin coming in contact with his hyungs' back and rubbing his head, walking next to his groups' older member. "we should probably leave them alone, hopefully, they'll tell us soon." jisung beckoned the maknae back out of chan's room after both of them taking photos of sleeping figures, locking the door behind them and leaving the jyp building.

1520 words

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