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everything in english will be in italics

when hyunjin and changbin were done with getting the rest of the mattresses out of the cupboard above the front door, soohyun went back to helping others to blowing up the mattresses.

"whew, that was annoying to deal with. good its over with." soohyun whined about the whole ordeal to the small group of 3 where her group was.

"it was fun to watch them bicker though" jeongin said while helping chan and rosie with the job.

"true, just was hoping we'd be done by now." the second oldest of the small group.

it felt awkward between the two of the small subunit. soohyun decided to make a list of her tomorrow small events, groaning in the process.

"i have leg day tomorrow." she groaned, gaining a couple of chuckles from others."i'll cry myself to sleep then tomorrow." getting back to her small job.

"me and chan have chest day. i dont know if we've asked before, but what gym do you go to, soohyun?" changbin made small talk with her from the other side of the room.

"uhhhhhhhh, wait. i forgot. i actually forgot the name." going to her phone looking up her gym name.

"its the gym next to the sm entertainment building, noona." jisung said, soohyun thanked her brother,"do you want to go as a trio to your gym, soohyun?" chan asked the eldest girl.

"uh, sure. what time do you wanna go? i don't have anything tomorrow to do besides edit the video." soohyun mentioned,"is around 8am okay? we usually work out for 6 hours so from 8am to 2pm."changbin told her, the girl agreed to the plan.

soon after when they got done with filling the mattresses with air. jeongin was on the same matress as rosie for easy cuddle sessions, same happened with jisung and chloe. hyunjin got under the covers and started to text with byemin. the others were lounging around in the living room. last minute water drinking and bathroom rounds before sleep.


in the morning, soohyun was the first one to wake up, surprised all of the members, including chan was sleeping, after all it was a rare sight to see the leader sleeping. and for so far 6 hours. soohyun took a quick 5 minute shower, she took jisung's spare workout clothes from his closet and went to the kitchen to start on breakfast.

the girl, put on calm morning playlist on spotify and opened her camera. introducing her fans to her new small breakfast and workout vlog."hello everyone. i have to be a bit quiet since we had a sleepover last night, all of us were on blowout matresses in the living room, and it is around 6.15 in the morning."

soohyun took out needed ingredients for western styled breakfast,"hyunjin and changbin almost got into trouble because they were the ones to take out the matresses from the cupboard above the front door. i think if i didn't intervene, someone could've gotten hurt badly. good thing i did." she giggled at the thought of last night, surprised she remembered the whole thing, due to her being the most wasted.

"but it's all good now. they're resting." she paused, looked at the closed door smiling. turning back at her phone,"i was thinking of doing pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries, bacon and grilled cheese sandwich for those who want a savoury type of breakfast." the girl started off with the pancake batter, knowing it would take the longest.

she started off with the wet ingredients, soon sifting the dry ingredients into the bowl and mixing it all. while doing so, she heard the kitchen door open. in walked 2/3 of 3racha. chan and changbin."good morning boys. i hope you slept well." soohyun smiled, turning back to the pan she began to put batter on, barely not spilling anything.

"hi, are you making breakfast?"changbin dried his face after cleaning it. the boys decided to clean their faces and brush their teeth in the kitchen, reason unknown to soohyun."yeah, pancakes, whipped cream and strawberries and bacon and grilled cheese for savoury type of breakfast enjoyers." the girl said.

"can you two work on the bacon and the sandwiches, while i deal with the sweet kind of it and wake up the others?"soohyun added after cleaning her hands after the boys were done with their business. the two agreed, soohyun left to wake everyone up.

she took her phone with her,"this will be released in a couple of months, so i hope others dont mind filming them." the girl began to wake up the others, starting with the two couples. shaking their shoulders, after a couple of tries and voice raising, jeongin and rosie along with jisung and chloe and some others were awake.

"good morning, wake up others, do your morning routine and let's have breakfast. its soon done." soohyun mentioned to everyone who just woke up, some still half asleep laying on their matresses, others fully awake and walking around. some of them went to their respectful dorms to get ready next door to the currently filled dorm.

soon everyone were gathered around the dining room table. soohyun temporarily said good bye to her vlog and went to the kitchen,"oh guys, did you finish everything?" she looked at the two with adoring eyes. the boys only nodding,"you were taking a bit long, so we decided to finish it all. don't worry, go take the utensils and plates to the dining room." chan told the girl, soohyun took what she was ordered into the dining room and set the table.

soon the two came with the food to the room, put the hot food on heatproof trivets."the foods ready!" chan shouted, hoping that his words would travel to the another side of the wall. soon 8 pairs of feet came running to the table, soohyun took a photo of it all before it was basically inhaled it all, everyone thanked the three chefs and cleaned up, the trio made jisung and felix do the dishes.

1078 words

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