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everything in english will be italics

soohyun knocked on the door, hearing a blocked 'come in' from the otherside. she opened the door and was greeted with jyp. "hello, thank you for meeting me." she shook jyp's hands.

"of course, what seems to be the problem?" jyp told the girl to sit in the chair positioned in front of his desk. soohyun sat down, gathered her thoughts and planned how to speak to his brothers' boss.

"i'll be upfront bold. i am bang chan's soulmate. i was hoping to get an agreement from you to post a song on youtube. on my youtube channel". the girl took a breath and continued, "me and chan have talked about this previously and we don't want to hide anything from you nor his fans."

jyp looked at the girl and thought for a moment, "you know the backlash that will come from this, right? this isn't something to be taken lightly" soohyun nodded and shifted in her seat, "of course. i myself have a fanbase and i know the hate i'm gonna get. sure, this will be probably bigger than what goes on in my fanbase, but i'm ready for it." soohyun looked at the older man in front of her, hopeful gleam in her eyes.

"when are you planning to release it?" jyp asked the girl sitting in front of her. soohyun thought for a moment and then sighed once again, "maybe in like a week or so?" she thought of the date and then nodded, "yes, on the 15th. would that be alright?"

the ceo thought for a second and then nodded, "yeah. that would work out, but if anything doesn't go 'according to your plan'; you're gonna deal with the consequences by yourself, alright?" the older stated. soohyun immediately agreed to the term given to her.

the girl left the big boss' office, deciding to go impulsively and order food for the boys since she knew they were righr about done with practice. after ordering her and the boys' coffee soohyun went her merry way to the company.

as soon as she stepped into the practice room the 8 boys were occupying, she saw them all sprawled on the floor, exhausted.

"i bought coffee!" soohyun walked into the dance practice, upon finding the boys all sprawled on the floor she started giggling and took out her phone to take a photo, deciding to post it onto her story later.

"anyways, yeah i brought coffee. come and get it yourself, because i wont give it to you." the boys groaned and got up from the ground.

as soon as jisung got within the arms teach of soohyun, she grabbed her younger brother by his arm and kissed his forehead as she always does.

"did your meeting with the ceo go well?" jisung asked his older sister when going out of the room to the roof.

"yeah, he just said that i better take full responsibility and whatever hate comes from it, i deal with it on my own" jisung nodded along to his older sisters' words, "well. the hate is bound to come, i just hope it's something you can take it." jisung sighed and held his sisters hands on the rooftop.

"if anything, absolutely anything, bothers you. please do come to me or any of my band mates. we all care about you, and would be willing to hear out you and your problems." the younger sibling of the two reassures the older.

the girl looked at her brother in admiration, "when did you get so wise jisung?" she smiled at him and hugged her brother tightly. "same goes for you jisungie. i promise. you may be annoying and much more, but you're still my brother and i deeply care about you."

the sun started to set, soohyun looked at her watch. "oh my god, it's almost 10pm. we gotta go, i am going to upload the video at midnight, and you gotta wake up early for your schedule."

the two rushed down the stairs, soohyun giving her soulmate, chan, a hug and a kiss on the cheek. the two made plans to hang out soon. they all said their goodbye's to soohyun and departed ways.

as soon as the girl got home she booted up her computer and put the soon-to-be published video on queue for upload. she went to the kitchen to make a healthy midnight smoothie and posted on her instagram with the youtube screen a bit tilted to the left and scratched out the important things, with the caption 'something important dropping in 30 minutes???? can't wait'.

the girl was extremely scared of everyone's reaction, most scared of chan's, because they only worked on the beats together and her lover had yet to see the full thing. the whole song had a calm melody, and talked about their 'journey' together after meeting back in 2016. it had clips of the two filmed by their friends and by themselves. sometimes have small photos and polaroid of the two before and after their discovery.

a couple minutes after the video went live, she got a call from chan. with shaky hands she picked up the call she was extremely anxious about.


"soohyun- fuck.. can i come by? please baby, i need to see you right now."

"sure..? why"

she couldn't get an answer because the male already ended the call and was running to soohyun's flat. after a couple of minutes she heard a couple of knocks on her door, upon opening the door, she saw a slightly dishevelled chan standing with one hand on the doorway.

the shorter tried to say something, but chan got ahead of her. he wrapped his left hand around his lover's waist and the right one on her jawline and pulled her in to a kiss. soohyun's right eye let out a small tear, all her worries flowing away with it. they pulled apart and the male wiped away his lover's tear with his thumb.

"why are you crying, star?" a nickname chan had developed for his lover after a while. to him the nickname was special, reasoning that there are a lot of stars in the sky (like women in the world), but he picked the best one for him and stuck with it.

"i was scared of what you and the others would think of it, i was scared that you wouldn't like it." the girl voiced her worries and the voices from her brain. the male sighed and pulled her into a tight hug.

"i'll never judge you, soohyun. don't be afraid to tell me what's going on in that brain of yours, okay?" chan pointed his finger against the girl's forehead as she nodded, answering chan's sentence that way.

"now, a question. would you like to go on a date with me? a nice cute music sesh date in my producing room?" soohyun's eyes getting bigger and her cheeks being coated in soft blush due to her lovers words.

she put her head on his torso and nodded, "that would be wonderful, channie." after that she welcomed the leader in and they went to cuddle.

1200 words

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