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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.


A long time ago, during a lunar eclipse, a strange glow appeared, and a magical doorway opened, allowing five strange demons to come into the human world. The people who didn't know about them before quickly found out, and they were very scared and suspicious of these immortal beings who were so different from them. This fear and suspicion spread quickly among the people, just like a wildfire.

Because they thought the immortals were dangerous, the humans attacked them right away. Angry groups of people with torches and weapons went after the five immortals, wanting to get rid of them from their world.

Knowing they were in grave danger, the five immortals quickly ran to find safety in a secret cave hidden in a dark part of the land. They hoped that by going into the cave, they could avoid the violence and chaos happening outside. They really wanted peace and harmony, and they believed in living together peacefully instead of fighting.

As time passed, the immortals remained in the cave, feeling somewhat safe. There were five of them, each possessing special powers. They shared stories and provided comfort to one another, all with the hope of someday reconciling mortals and immortals, and restoring the disrupted peace.

However, amidst this relative calm, an extraordinary love story unfolded in the darkness. Two deeply in love demons made a fateful decision to venture beyond the cave's safety. Hand in hand, they bravely ventured into the unknown, bringing along their precious two-year-old daughter. Unbeknownst to them, a significant danger awaited their arrival.


Third Point of View

A married couple ran desperately, being pursued by a group of people carrying torches with burning sticks. These pursuers were determined to kill the couple upon discovering that they were not ordinary humans.

The woman carried her very young child as they distanced themselves from the mob. Suddenly, an arrow swiftly flew through the air, striking the woman's husband. She rushed to his side, tears streaming down her face.

"Protect our child. Go back to the cave where we hid," her husband said, his voice trembling with fear and desperation.

The woman wept, uncertain of what to do for her husband. She realized the lethal nature of the arrow, specifically designed to kill demons like them. Crafted from blazing metal, it had pierced her husband's heart, leaving him vulnerable to losing his life at any moment.

With a heavy heart, the woman watched her weakened husband summon his last reserves of strength to embrace their child, aware that it might be their final moment together. He assured her that he would do everything in his power to protect their family, urging her to leave him behind and seek safety.

Overwhelmed with anguish, she reluctantly complied, torn between her love for her husband and the instinct to shield their child from further harm. As she fled, she could not help but steal glances backward, her heart breaking as she witnessed her beloved struggle to stand against the darkness.

  Kaye Point of view.

I awoke to the faint light, squinting my eyes as the brightness caused a sharp pain. As I struggled to sit up, I realized that I was in a hospital room. I was confused, trying to figure out how I ended up here. I couldn't remember anything, which left me uncertain. But one thing was clear—I had to find my sister.

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