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Reighn's point of view.


"She's human! She got injured, and her blood was bright red!" Franchezka said.

I rolled my eyes.

"What are you trying to say? That Kaye is not one of us? Haven't you noticed the change in her eye color?"

"I understand, Reighn, but that doesn't prove anything. Just because her eye color changed and she has exceptional abilities, it doesn't mean she's like us. She's still a human!" Franchezka argued.

"No, and I will prove it to you that Kaye is not human!" I shouted back at her.

"I have one condition: if I confirm that she is indeed human, I will send her to the punishment room!"

"You would never do that, why? Because Kaye is not a human!" I retorted with a confident smile.


Again, my head throbbing with pain. This was the second time it had happened, and the pain is getting worse. I couldn't understand why this kept happening.

"Kaye! Kaye!" I heard a familiar voice calling.

My eyes felt heavy, and I longed to rest.


I woke up again, still in the infirmary. I looked to the guy sleeping next to me. Did he really stay to watch over me?

I moved my foot, but I didn't feel any pain. I slowly got up, surprised that the pain was gone.

"Look, Chezka, she looks completely fine," Reighn stated firmly.

"You've been lying there for two hours, and you're happy that you can stand now?" Chezka snapped.

My smile faded at her attitude. There is something wrong with Franchezka. Even though I didn't do anything to her, I have noticed that she doesn't like me.

"Matthew, go back to your classroom. Take Kaye with you. You've wasted all of our time!" Chezka commanded.

I saw Light and Wayne outside.

"What are you waiting for? Go back to your class, now!" Chezka shouted angrily, and Wayne and Matthew quickly obeyed.

"I'll go back as well," Light said, bidding them farewell.

In the classroom.

We were all back in the room, with Wayne and Matthew sitting next to each other, and I was next to Matthew, with Light beside me.

It seemed like a regular class day, at least that's all I knew because of that girl earlier  said so. If I rise in rank, I won't let her off the hook. She's so annoying, ugh!

Then the teacher entered the room.

"Two days from now will be the battle day, but first, I will discuss the rules because we have a newbie here."

"First, when the battle day starts, all of you have to participate. You must go to the Battle Field because it's in the rules. Once you break this rule, then you die."

"Second, when ranks 1 to 20 choose you as their opponent, you can't say no. And once the battle starts, you can't say stop, and you can't leave the Battle Field unless you defeated your opponent."

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