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I realized that my hands and feet were tied. I got up and examined the rope on my hand. It was tied quite loosely, so I brought it closer to my mouth and bit the rope. I kept biting and trying to remove the rope from my hand.

Once I managed to untie it, I also removed the rope from my feet. I didn't know what happened last night, but why did I have so many bruises on my feet?

Who brought me here?

 When I saw a pair of slippers on the floor, I quickly put them on and opened the door.

I managed to open it. I didn't know why, but my feet started running on their own, and I didn't know where I was headed. This place wasn't familiar to me. Where am I?

I stopped for a moment and was startled when a woman's voice came from behind. I looked at her and saw a girl who seemed to be around my age.

She had wavy hair and average height. Her skin was fair, her hair was black with blue highlights, and her lips were a striking red. I couldn't deny that she was beautiful, but her outfit made her look like a bitch.

Her skirt was too short, and one of her buttons was open, revealing her cleavage.

"Who are you?"

"A-Ah..." I stammered, still catching my breath.

"Follow me," she said authoritatively.

I obediently followed her.

@Prime's Office.

The man looked at me intently and asked, "Who are you?" 

As the man raised an eyebrow, I noticed he was wearing a black polo shirt with a logo that looked familiar, matching what I had seen on the intimidating ID card. It had the letters "MU" written inside. It seemed that I had indeed ended up at Moncide University.

 It seemed that I had indeed ended up at Moncide University

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"You are being asked!" 


The man exudes a distinct aura that emanates from within, drawing people towards him. His presence is powerful, and his gaze holds an intense intensity, as if he is peering deep into your soul. His eyes are so piercing that you can feel the weight of his stare.

The man approached me slowly and came very close to me, almost invading my personal space. I could feel his breath on my face, and I was taken aback by his sudden action.

Before I could react or say anything, he reached out and cut my hand with a sharp object. I was shocked and in pain, not sure what had just happened. It was a sudden and unexpected attack that left me reeling.

"AGHHH! What the heck!?" I shouted while groaning in pain from the wound he inflicted on me.

A lot of blood dripped from my hand, and I almost cried because of the depth of my wound. I didn't care if he was handsome, I wanted to kill him now. Damn, my wound hurts so much!

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