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The shock of Primo's intervention caught me off guard.

As his grip tightened, he forcefully pulled me closer, our bodies almost touching. Surprised by his actions, my heart raced. Our eyes locked, and in that moment, it felt as though the world around us ceased to exist.

I struggled with all my might to break free from his tight hold on my hand. I summoned every ounce of strength and resolve to pry my hands away from his.

We locked eyes, but I couldn't tell what he was feeling. His mysterious gaze gave away nothing, as if he knew how to hide his emotions well. I was left curious and unsure, wanting to understand him better. It was like he had a secret world behind his eyes that I couldn't access.


In a burst of emotion, Troy's voice reverberated through the air as he called out Primo. And then, without warning, Troy's body crumbled, his legs giving way beneath him. He descended to his knees with a resounding thud, his presence now humbled before Primo.

His head bowed, his hands resting on his thighs.

"I'm sorry, Primo, but she started it. I didn't want things to get worse since you already warned me, but she unexpectedly punched me."

Really? Are you going to lie again just to get me in trouble?


I looked into Primo's eyes, but he wasn't looking at me. Instead, his gaze was directed towards Troy.

"You should apologize to me, rank 398!"

I flinched as Primo suddenly shouted, causing me to startle.

"You should apologize to her, now!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with urgency and a hint of frustration.


Suddenly, a gust of wind picked up, causing a ripple of movement and intensity in the air. As the wind swirled around us, I could see Primo's eyes narrowing and his expression transforming into one of anger.

"S-Sorry P-Primo---"

"Fuck! I said apologize to her!" he bellowed, his voice laced with anger.

Suddenly, Troy turned his gaze towards me, still kneeling but now facing me directly. He offered a sincere apology.

"I'm sorry," he said, his words carrying a genuine tone.

After Troy apologized to me, my vision suddenly blurred, colors and shapes around me became distorted, as if viewed through a foggy lens. The world seemed to spin and waver, making it difficult to maintain focus on my surroundings.

As I abruptly lost consciousness, a comforting sensation washed over me. Prior to the loss of awareness, I distinctly sensed the presence of someone nearby, offering their support during that vulnerable moment.

It could have been a gentle touch, a firm grip, or the reassuring presence of someone standing close by.

As I regained consciousness, I found myself inside a room that I didn't recognize, I felt confused and disoriented, struggling to understand where I was and how I got there. The surroundings were unfamiliar, adding to my unease. Everything in the room, from the decorations to the furniture, was unfamiliar to me, making me feel like I was in a completely unknown place.

I left the room I woke up in and realized that I was in a much larger dormitory than my own. The size difference was obvious, with the space being much bigger than what I was used to in my own dorm room.

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