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I woke up to a bright light and saw Wayne's face. I felt relieved that it wasn't the Lord coming to take me to heaven. Javi and Light were there too, guarding me. I wondered what had happened.

I asked them what had happened to me, and that's when I noticed the deep wound on my hand. It reminded me of when Primo had injured me when I first arrived in Moncide.

"That's what saved you, so just ignore it. It will heal quickly," Wayne said.

I even noticed that my clothes had changed. Wait, who dressed me? Please don't tell me... I glanced at the three of them and quickly covered myself, you know, my... chest.

"W-We didn't do anything! We didn't dress you up. I-it was Nurse Jane," Matthew stammered.

Then the nurse who had treated me came out.

"T-Thank you," I shyly thanked Nurse Jane.

"You're welcome. I'm just doing my job," she said with a smile.

I got up and looked around, then I saw a shadow. The shadow had two horns and resembled a demon, like Primo, hiding behind a curtain. I opened it, but there was nothing there. Still, I was sure it was his shadow.

"Who are you looking for?" Matt asked me, and they all looked at me, seemingly puzzled, so I just shook my head.

"Let's eat. I know you're hungry already."

I smiled because, of course, food! 

We left the clinic and went to a garden with a fountain, benches, and a built-in table. Moncide is really huge. I've never been here before, so I was amazed by the beautiful garden and the fresh breeze.

We sat down, and I was next to Light, while Javi and Wayne sat across from us. Javi opened his bag and took out four lunchboxes, handing them to us one by one.

When I opened the lunchbox Javi gave me, the delicious smell made my mouth water. I couldn't wait to taste Light's cooking. As I started eating, a smile spread across my face. The food was amazing! The flavors were incredible, and each bite was a delightful combination of textures and tastes. The meat was tender, the vegetables were crunchy, and the sauces added a special touch. I couldn't help but savor every bite, appreciating the skill and passion that went into making such a delicious meal. It was clear why they preferred Light's cooking over the cafeteria food.

I was surprised when I heard running footsteps, and we saw Reighn running as if she was chasing something.

"Reighn!" Matt called her, so she stopped and looked at us. She was even more surprised when she saw me.

She was about to continue chasing what she was after, but she approached us instead.

"Are you awake?" she asked.

"Who are you chasing, and why are you so out of breath?" Wayne asked.

"I'm chasing the girl who poisoned Kaye," she replied.

Did I get poisoned?

"Oh, by the way, it's strange how that happened to Kaye. And that poison is meant for humans, right? Why did it affect Kaye?" Wayne asked.

We all looked at him.

"Are you human?" he suddenly asked me.

"Don't ask such things!" Matt shouted at him.

We all fell silent as Light served us food, and we started eating. I couldn't answer the question because, well, I'm human. The poison only affected me, so it meant I was the only human among all these non-normal people at the university. I know that, and not just because I can change my eye color based on my emotions doesn't mean I'm like them. I'm still a human.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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