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So, it means he's missing someone?

"I need to go. See you later."

"Wait, I just want to say thank you for coming to save me last night, and I'm sorry for getting you into trouble."

He turned toward me, nodded, and then walked away. Lost in my thoughts, I headed back to my dormitory.

Just as I was about to reach my door, I suddenly felt a presence nearby. It startled me, and I looked to the side, only to come face-to-face with a strange creature unlike anything I had ever seen before. Its appearance was indescribable, defying any conventional explanation. All I could sense was a strong and powerful energy emanating from it.

Suddenly, the creature lunged at me with the clear intention of attacking. Acting on instinct, I swiftly dodged its assault, narrowly avoiding getting hit.

In the midst of the chaos, I accidentally dropped the card thst I had been holding. But at that moment, I didn't care about the card. My main focus was on avoiding the creature's attacks.

Facing this powerful and unfamiliar creature, I felt a mix of fear, confusion, and uncertainty. I had no idea why it was attacking me or what it wanted. All I could do was rely on my speed and quick thinking, desperately trying to evade its strikes.

As I continued to dodge and evade, I couldn't help but wonder, what kind of terrifying creature was this?

"I heard a familiar voice call my name, and suddenly a katana was thrown towards me. I managed to catch it just in time.

It was Reighn, and she had a grin on her face as she looked at me.

"This is your first mission. You have to defeat him," she said.

Just as I was processing this, my phone suddenly rang. I quickly picked it up and saw that time was running out. I only had 20 minutes to finish the task!

I tossed my phone aside and focused on the approaching monster. I evaded its attack and fought back using the katana I had been given. I successfully struck its leg, causing its eyes to turn red in anger.

The creature lunged at me, but I ran alongside it. It jumped, giving me the opportunity to slide beneath it while raising my katana. As I scraped against the ground, I slashed through its abdomen. The creature's greenish blood splattered, staining me. I stumbled on the ground as it staggered, almost falling.

Getting back on my feet, I saw the creature lying on the ground. I heard applause, and I saw Matthew, Reighn, Franchezka, and Primo.

Matthew stepped forward, patting me on the back. "Great job, Kaye! That was an impressive takedown."

Reighn, with her mischievous grin, approached and gave me a playful punch on the shoulder.

"That's my girl!" Reighn shouted, claiming me as her own.

"Stop imagining things, Reighn. She's mine!" Matthew shouted, joining the commotion.

"Will you two stop bickering?" Franchezka interjected, her voice filled with frustration.

"Rank 398 Gio Draco defeated, Kaye Vivienne Alvarez. is now the rank 398."  my cellphone announced.

I looked at the once-monstrous creature, now transformed into a human with pale skin and white hair. It slowly faded away, and I couldn't believe that I had actually taken a life.

My jaw dropped at what had happened  idea how I had finished it.

Primo left, followed by the others.

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