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I woke up to the bright light that greeted my eyes.

Apparently, I was in a clinic, and there I saw Light and the woman.

"If she's okay now, let's take her to Prime's office. Rule number 1: Humans are prohibited from entering Moncide University. If Primo finds out, he'll surely be angry," the woman went on with a long speech.

"Light, are you listening?" she asked.

Light just stared at me.

I was once again captivated as his eyes suddenly turned a shade of purple, with sparkling stars seemingly shimmering within. I couldn't help but lock eyes with him, mesmerized by the beauty of his gaze.

"Light," the woman called out to him again, snapping me out of the trance. I quickly averted my gaze, and he also looked away, directing his attention towards the woman who had been trying to get his attention.

"Is she still on your mind even now? Light, please forget about her!" the woman exclaimed, trying to persuade him to let go.

"I can't," he replied, his response firm, as if he was about to leave. However, the woman interjected once again, stopping him in his tracks.

"You can't, or you just don't want to forget her?" she questioned.

Light gradually turned back, briefly glancing at me before speaking again.

"It's already late. Take her to the girls' dorm for now, and we'll report this to Prime tomorrow," he changed the topic of the conversation.

"I don't want to. If you want to keep her, then you should do it! Don't involve me!" the woman retorted, giving me a death glare before leaving.

Light attempted to stop her, but she swiftly removed his hand from her arm and walked away.

Light turned his gaze towards me as I got up, still feeling the pain in my palm. He immediately grabbed my wrist tightly, his grip filled with anger. It hurt, but I tried my best to endure it.

He pulled me towards the gate, and I wondered what our purpose was here.

"It's best for you to leave this university before sunrise. The jungle is vast, but you can find your way out," he said coldly.

"Huh?" I managed to say, confused by his words.

I didn't know where Akiesha was, but I needed to find her. We had come here together, and we should leave together.

"Don't you want to return to your own world, human?" he asked.

"I do, but what about Akiesha?"


"She's my friend. We entered this place together. We know we did something wrong, but please let Akiesha go! I won't go home until I'm with her! I know you have her. What have you done to her?" I shouted, losing control.

I had already lost my sister, and I didn't want to lose another friend.

"Akiesha? She's not here, and if she managed to enter, she was probably asked to leave earlier," he replied.

I looked outside and saw the towering trees. Did Akiesha really leave without me?

"Leave now. I can't accompany you," he urged, but I ignored him and stayed inside.

"Leave now! Because if you stay any longer, your life could be in danger," he added.

Without thinking, I ran into the forest, not looking back. Tears welled up in my eyes as I felt the chill of the forest surround me. As I sprinted deeper into the woods, my breathing became heavy, and my heart raced in my chest. The air was thick with a cold dampness, sending shivers down my spine.

I looked up, hoping to catch a glimpse of the moon, but the towering trees blocked my view.

Gradually, exhaustion overcame me, and my legs trembled, causing me to stumble and eventually collapse on the ground.

Suddenly, heavy raindrops poured down, as if the heavens themselves mourned my situation. The torrential downpour soaked me, mingling with my tears as they streamed down my face.

The sound of rain was soon accompanied by the crackling of lightning, illuminating the dark forest with its blinding flashes. Fear gripped me, and I let out a piercing scream as a powerful lightning bolt struck dangerously close to where I was.

Instinctively, I scrambled to my feet and sought refuge behind the shelter of a massive tree trunk, hoping it would shield me from nature's fury.

I don't want to be weak and lose hope, but I couldn't bear it any longer.

I covered my ears every time lightning struck. I thought it was a good idea, Akiesha, but it wasn't.

Where are you? Did you really leave me alone?

Suddenly, a throbbing headache consumed me. The pain was so intense that I felt myself losing consciousness. Just as I was about to close my eyes, I saw the silhouette of a person approaching me. Before I could react, my vision darkened completely.


I woke up and realized I was being carried on the back of a man whose face I couldn't see. As my eyes adjusted to the dim light, I noticed that we were still deep in the dense forest. I felt confused and furrowed my brow, trying to understand what was happening.

I noticed that we had arrived at the gate of Moncide University, which was guarded by a mysterious structure with an eye-like feature embedded within it. The eye-like structure was small, resembling a human eye, and it seemed to serve as the key to open the gate.

I observed as the man positioned his left eye towards the structure.

All of a sudden, a powerful light erupted from the eye-like structure, illuminating everything with a surreal glow. In reaction, the gate opened with a loud creak, uncovering a path that lay beyond.

I was amazed by what I saw. How was it possible? But I was even more confused when I remembered the scene from the previous night. How did I end up inside Moncide if we hadn't opened the gate? And how did I end up in that room? Did someone put me there?

He gently set me down on the ground, and our eyes met. It was Light.

"The way out of this place is too far. It would be safer for you to leave tomorrow morning," he said.

Not wanting to let him go without getting an answer to my burning question, I gathered my courage and held onto his hand.

"You've been following me, haven't you?" I asked.

He hesitated for a moment, our eyes locked. The weight of his silence hung in the air, leaving me unsure of what his response would be. Then, with a gentle but deliberate movement, he released his hand from mine, leaving me standing there alone with my thoughts.

As Light walked away, gradually disappearing into the shadows, I couldn't help but wonder about this place. The university whispered its secrets, urging me to uncover the mysteries that lay ahead.

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