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Just as I was about to leave, a mysterious creature suddenly appeared before me, blocking my path. I couldn't quite explain what kind of monster it was.

Out of nowhere, the creature attacked with incredible speed and fury. Its sharp claws cut through the air, ready to rip apart anything in its path. It was incredibly strong.

I barely had time to react, but I managed to dodge its first attack, narrowly avoiding its deadly claws. The force behind its strikes was terrifying, leaving deep marks on the ground.

However, I couldn't avoid its relentless assault for long. It landed a powerful blow that sent me crashing down, disorienting me and causing intense pain. I struggled to regain my balance.

As I tried to get up, the creature pinned me down, its immense strength overpowering me.

Suddenly, a man rushed toward us urgently, his voice filled with authority. He intervened, stating that today wasn't a day for fighting and questioning the creature's behavior.

I strained to see the man's face, but I couldn't make out his features. However, with a single command from him, something extraordinary occurred. The terrifying creature transformed into a human, bowing down and apologizing.

I watched in astonishment as the frightening being changed into an ordinary-looking person.

The man came closer to me, but before I could react, dizziness overcame me, and I lost consciousness once again. Everything went dark, and I had no awareness of my surroundings.


The following morning...

I woke up again in an unfamiliar room. I jolted upright as the memories of last night came rushing back. Who was the man who helped me last night? Where am I?

"You're awake. You should be grateful that you resemble Syche," the woman who had a blade in her hand

Syche, who is that?

Wait, was it Light I saw last night? Was he the one who saved me from that monster?

"Syche?" I asked her.

"Follow me."

She didn't answer me and left the room. I followed her. The path she took felt strangely familiar. It seemed like we were heading towards Prime's Office.

@Prime's office

When we entered, I saw Franchezka and the man who wounded me yesterday. He was seated in a swivel chair, his attention focused on the papers in front of his desk. The woman with the blade pushed me, causing me to kneel in front of Prime's desk.

"She's already here before and we already told her to get lost," Franchezka muttered

"I left last night because someone told me to get lost, so I did," I replied, standing up.

"And because you left last night, someone received punishment," Franchezka emphasized.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked.

"Rule number 2: Every student at Moncide University is prohibited from going out of the school. We're not allowed to enter the restricted area, especially the forest."

"And because of you, Light is now being punished!" the woman with the blade shouted.


It seems that he brought me back here because it wasn't safe to go out at night, and he believed it would be better for me to leave in the morning when it would be safer than at night.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO LIGHT!" another man suddenly burst in, capturing everyone's attention. I could see the fiery anger in his eyes.

"Punishment, Matthew," the man who wounded me yesterday spoke, now looking at all of us, seemingly indifferent and as if he couldn't hear us before.

I glared at him, but he didn't look at me.

"How? Light never breaks the rules, Primo! How did he receive a punishment?" Javi seemed unaware of what happened last night.

"He violated the second rule," he replied curtly.

"THE SECOND RULE?" Matthew's surprise was evident on his face.

Who is this Syche, and how did I end up resembling her?

"Yeah, because of that b*tch!" Franchezka pointed at me.

Matthew, who was mentioned earlier, looked at me and approached. As he came closer, he studied my face.

"Syche, is that you?" He held my face, and he seemed so happy to see me.

"Shut up! Syche is dead!" The woman with a blade, who had been cutting down the trees yesterday, and whose name I still didn't know, interjected.

"I apologize, but you really look like her" Matthew quickly pulled his hand away from my face.

"By the way, Primo, can you stop the punishment? Light is getting weak; he hasn't had any rest since last night," Javi pleaded.

"I'll stop when that person leaves the University."

I know he's referring to me. I don't think I'm really welcome in this university.

"I will make sure that this person will leave, Primo," Matthew declared.

Suddenly, I was startled as Matthew abruptly pulled me along.

We exited that place, and he let go of me when we were far enough.

"What's your name?" he asked me.

I didn't answer, still processing what had happened earlier.

"Are you mute?"

I shook my head and remained silent.

"Just answer me!" Matthew insisted.

"Fine, I'm Kaye Vivienne Alvarez."

"I'm Javier Matthew Resenheim, it's nice meeting you"

I nodded. I stopped when I see Light not too far away. I didn't realize that this was the kind of punishment he endured here. Five male students from the school were punching, kicking, and even using a whip on him. Every time Light was whipped, I couldn't help but close my eyes.

"He will be fine as long as you leave this place," Matt stated.

I glanced at him, feeling a pang of guilt. I knew I had only recently met Light, but seeing him in pain because of me was difficult to bear.

As we approached Light, I looked at him again, hoping to put an end to his suffering.

"Aghh!" he groaned each time he was whipped.

He glanced in our direction, and I saw Light's small eyes widen.

I looked at Matthew when he suddenly gasped, covering his mouth with one hand and appearing surprised while looking at me.

"What is it? What's wrong?" I asked, confused.

"Don't tell me, you're not normal too? Is that why you managed to enter this place?"


I couldn't understand what he was saying.

"Follow me. Primo needs to know about this!" Matthew exclaimed.

He immediately dragged me along.

I suddenly realized something. The bandage on my hand was gone, and the wound seemed to have disappeared. It was puzzling because the cut was too deep to heal in just one day.

What is happening to me?

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